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Main Theme

Age of Empires II


5.000 avg rating 6 ratings

Tabber: Basisti94

Composer: David Rippy, Stephen Rippy, Kevin McMullan

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

29283 views 12 years ago

                            Main Theme
Age of Empires II
David Rippy, Stephen Rippy, Kevin McMullan
Arranged for guitar by Basisti94 (Miro Laaksonen)

Tempo ~ 120

     ^                                              ^                        
     H.           Q       Q.     S S E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  Q    Q     

  Q.     S S E  E  E  E     H.           Q       Q.     S S E  E  E  E   

  ^                          ^                       ^                    
  Q    E  E  E  Q    Q       H        E  E  E  E     Q.     E  Q    Q     

  Q    E  E  E  Q    Q       Q    Q    Q    Q     

  |--3-|  |--3--|                                        
  Q    E  E  E  E  Q    E.  T  T    Q    Q    Q    Q     

  |--3--|  |--3-|  |---3---|  |--3-|                          
  E  E  E  Q    E  E   E   E  Q    E     Q    Q    Q    Q     

  |--3-|  |--3--|                                        
  Q    E  E  E  E  Q    E.  T  T    Q    Q    Q    Q     

  ^                       ^                    ^                     
  H        E  E  E  E     H.           Q       H        E  E  E  E   

   H.           Q       Q.     S S E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  Q    Q     

  H        E  E  E  E     Q.     E  Q    Q       E  Q    S S E  E  E  E   

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     E  Q    S S E  E  E  E   

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     W                  

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

Tablature Legend
L - tied note
x - dead note
g - grace note
(n) - ghost note
> - accentuded note
NH - natural harmonic
AH - artificial harmonic
TH - tapped harmonic
SH - semi harmonic
PH - pitch harmonic
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend
br - bendRelease
pb - preBend
pbr - preBendRelease
brb - bendReleaseBend
\n/ - tremolo bar dip
\n - tremolo bar dive
-/n - tremolo bar Release up
/n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip
/n - tremolo bar return
-\n - tremolo bar Release down
S - shift slide
s - legato slide
/ -  slide into from below or out of upwards
\ -  slide into from above or out of downwards
~ - vibrato
W - wide vibrato
tr - trill
TP - tremolo picking
T - tapping
S - slap
P - pop
< - fade in
^ - brush up
v - brush down

@MisterM2402 12 years ago

A real lack of Age of Empires tabs on here - thanks for this, sounds great :D

@diralark 12 years ago

It sounds nice even if I prefer your arrangement detuned for a Dropped D tuning (then after a -5 semi-tone transposition), so the bass notes sound more "bass" well I guess today I envy of that, and no doubt another day I will prefer your tuning... This tune offers 2 possibilities, Like it ^^