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Shiki ~Soshite Boku wa Umi ni Kaeru~

Aria the Origination


5.000 avg rating 1 rating

Tabber: tomorning

Composer: Choro Club, Takeshi Senoo, Mina Kubota

Style: Transcription, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

5589 views 11 years ago

                         Shiki ~sosite Boku wa Umi ni  kaeru~
                          ~ from anime "ARIA The ORIGINATION" ~

Music by Takeshi Senoo (妹尾武)
Tabber by to*morning

Standard Tuning












@alec613 11 years ago

Been waiting for some new Aria stuff that hasn't been done since forever.

Already got you bookmarked because you seem to do series whose OST I listen to frequently

@thedstring 11 years ago

I really like this song =)

I wonder if it could benefit from a capo fret 1 though...

@Shin 10 years ago

I think there's a slight mistake on the capo 1 version. From the 9th measure,where it goes


I think this sounds better.


And at the beginning of the 17th measure it goes


I think it should be something like


Also at measure 25, I think it sounds a bit off. Instead of


I think it should be


The outro should also be


Might be worth correcting the capo 1 version a bit. It's a few errors that were probably made transposing it to 1st capo, but I uploaded a fixed version here if it's any help.
