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Spiral Mountain


Nintendo 64

2.500 avg rating 2 ratings

Tabber: Luke

Composer: Grant Kirkhope

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

32373 views 17 years ago

===Nintendo 64 - Banjo Kazooie - Spiral Mountain===
==================Arranged by Luke=================
===================Drop D tuning===================




---------0-0---2---2-0-0-2-------------1--------- 2x

++++++++++++++++++++Flute Part++++++++++++++++++++


@Anonymous 16 years ago

good tab but i think in the 2nd last bar thepart should be -1-3-5-1-8 not -1-3-5-3-8 its still really good though

@silverrida 16 years ago

Hey, I don't really understand this. So the first three strings are the main stuff, then what's the rest. Also, I think that's only the main flute part, and not the stuff earlier. If someone could explain it'd be much appreciated.

@silverrida 16 years ago

Sorry for the double post, but I was wrong, flute part is perfectly right. I was playing way too slow. XD. Still don't understand the rest of it though.

@quinnpm 15 years ago

it looks likke the guitar exploded and left all those notes tone it down a little 5/8 of those arent needed

@Basch 13 years ago

per ex on: How do u manage to play this? omg >.<



@Choogly 12 years ago

The fingerstyle part of this could definitely be arranged better, but it sounds good