Xbox 360
4.000 avg rating 1 rating
Tabber: DonJuan
Composer: Darren Korb
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
77433 views 13 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Build That Wall (Zia Theme) Bastion Darren Korb J.C Ramos September 9, 2011 Drop C Tuning (CADGBe) INTRO: e -|-----------------------------------------------------|- B -|-----------------------------------------------------|- G -|------------------------------0----0----0-------0----|- D -|-----------1-----------------------------------------|- A -|-----1--3-----3--3--1-3----3--3---------3-------3----|- C -|--7------------------------0-----------------0-------|- e -|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|- B -|---------------------------------1-------1-----------1----1--------1-----------1--------|- G -|---------------------------------1---1---1---1p0-----0----0--------1------0----0--------|- D -|-----------1---------------------3---3---3---3------------------3--3---------------X----|- A -|-----1--3-----3------------------3---3---3---3-------3----3-----3--3------3----3---X----|- C -|--7--------------10--7-10--7----------------------0----------7---------0-----------X----|- VERSE 1: I dig my hole… * e -|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|- B -|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|- G -|-----0----0-----0----0-----0----0-----0----0------------------------------|- D -|---------------------------------------------------6----6-----6----6p5----|- A -|--3-------3-----3----3-----3----3-----3----3-------8----8-----8----8------|- C -|--0----------0----------0----------0------------5----------5--------------|- e -|----------------------------------------|- B -|----------------------------------------|- G -|-----0----0----------3-----0----0-------|- D -|----------------3----3-------------X----|- A -|-----3----3-----3----3-----3----3--X----|- C -|--0----------7----------0----------X----|- Verse 2: e -|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|- B -|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|- G -|-----0----0-----0----0-----0----0-----0-----------------------------------|- D -|---------------------------------------------------6----6-----6----6p5----|- A -|--3-------3-----3----3-----3----3-----3----3-------8----8-----8----8------|- C -|--0----------0----------0----------0------------5----------5--------------|- e -|--------------------------------------------------|- B -|--------------------------------------------------|- G -|-----0----0----------3-----0----0-------0----0----|- D -|----------------3----3----------------------------|- A -|-----3----3-----3----3-----3----3-------3----3----|- C -|--0----------7----------0------------0------------|- Chorus: So build that wall… e -|----------------------------------------------------|- B -|----------------------------------------------------|- G -|-------0----0-----0-----0-----0----0-----0-----0----|- D -|-------1----1-----1-----1-----4----4-----4-----4----|- A -|---------------------1----------------------0-------|- C -|----3----------3-----------2----------2-------------|- e -|-------------------------------------------|- B -|-------------------------------------------|- G -|-------0----0-----0-----0-----0----0--L----|- D -|-------1----1-----1-----1-----4----4--L----|- A -|---------------------1---------------------|- C -|----3----------3-----------2----------2----|- e -|------------------------------|- B -|------------------------------|- G -|------------------------------|- D -|----------1-------------------|- A -|----1--3-----3---3---1---3----|- C -|-7----------------------------|- Then Verses 1 & 2: Go build that wall to the sky Finish with chorus! :D X - muted note L - tied notes * - note that the open G on this chord is not played in Verse 1 the second time
@karathrow 13 years ago
wow this game.....the music is fantastic.
Thank you for this.
@surreal 13 years ago
fuck yeah this game
@karathrow 13 years ago
man its kinda hard to move from 7 on the low e string to that F minor shape or whatever it is.
@auriplane 13 years ago
Replying to:
@karathrow man its kinda hard to move from 7 on the low e string to that F minor shape or whatever it is.
Maybe you could play it in drop C. (You know, actual drop C, dropped from D standard.)
@karathrow 13 years ago
This part sounds wrong. Either that or some of the notes are so subtle or quiet I can't catch them in the actual recording.
EDIT: Yeah Ive played along with the recording like a million times now. Something's wrong because there are just too many notes before the phrase ends in the recording.
Maybe it would be easier to reconcile with the recording if there was some kind of time listed/given for notes.
DOUBLE EDIT OF GODLIKE JUSTICE: Okay I think I figured it out. It seems like DonJuan maybe put this phrase in twice when it should only appear once.
@hslesperance 13 years ago
Replying to:
@karathrow e -|---------------------------------------------------------------------|- B -|--------------------...
I must have left those extra notes in when editing the tab. Thanks for catching it
@Falco252 12 years ago
Yeah, good job catching that up :D Anyway good tab !
@Dwtomek 12 years ago
Actual tuning is CGCEGc. Accurate tab to follow, next week maybe. We'll see how ambitious I get. That high g is super important to the tune. Without that drone it loses a lot of feel. Author, mind if I use yours as a basis for mine with correct tuning? Will give credit that is due. I imagine with correct tuning this tab would have been bounds better, as you have the right idea.
@hslesperance 12 years ago
Replying to:
@Dwtomek Actual tuning is CGCEGc. Accurate tab to follow, next week maybe. We'll see how ambitious I get. Tha...
Don't waste your time
Korb already made official sheets and tabs
@Dwtomek 12 years ago
Replying to:
@hslesperance Don't waste your time Korb already made official sheets an...
Thanks! Didn't really feel like tabbing it out. He should make it easier to find. The tabs that are easy to find are quite poor.