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In Case of Trouble


Xbox 360

4.857 avg rating 7 ratings

Tabber: thedstring

Composer: Darren Korb

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

29544 views 12 years ago

In Case of Trouble
Composer - Darren Korb
Tabber - thedstring (Nate Brooks)

(drop D tuning with dropping the highest 2 strings down
2 frets)

The X's are just kinda muted strumming, do it as you please.

D |--0-----------------0-----0-----------------0--0----|
A |--0-----0-----x--x--0-----0--0--x--x--0-----x--x----|
G |--0--2--x--2--x--x--0--2--2--2--x--x--2-----x--x----|
D |--0-----------------0-----0-------------------------|
A |----------------------------------------------------|
D |----------------------------------------------------|












       It gets a little tricky right here, just listen
       to the example to get it right.





            Then back to more strumming like earlier.









Here's where the rest of the music kicks in, drums and
lots of other orchestral stuff, but it just does more
of the same for the guitar.

@thedstring 12 years ago

Video link: http://www.gametabs.net/recording/thedstring/in-case-trouble

@ametueraspirant 12 years ago

seriously, I love the song, but I don't want to keep retuning my guitar every time I want to play this, is it that hard on regular tuning?

@surreal 12 years ago

Don't be discouraged by tuning your instrument. It's good for you and it won't seem nearly as annoying soon enough.

@thedstring 11 years ago

I always thought of the rating system as an accuracy gauge.

I think there should be 2 rating systems, one for accuracy and one for the enjoyment level. The "top tabs" section should be the highest rated "enjoyment", not the highest "accuracy".

Sucks not even beong able to attain the highest rating because i didn't pick the right song to tab.

@SirLancelot 11 years ago

I actually think this song is really fun to play and sounds great. Good job tabbing it out thedstring.