Xbox 360
4.000 avg rating 3 ratings
Tabber: Hideous
Composer: Joel Eriksson, Mikael Karlsson
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
18791 views 14 years ago
Snowy Mountains Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Composed by Mikael Karlsson Tabbed by Andreas "Hideous" Jörgensen 15/07/2010 e--------------------------------------------- B----0---0---0-1-------------0---------------- G------------------2---2---2-----0--2--0------ D--2---2---2-----2---2---2-----2----------4--2 A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- Repeat!
@popy1 14 years ago
this is good but it'd be awesome if there was more
@ninjaboy3623 13 years ago
this is a good tab but it would've been better with a bit more