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Battle 2

Breath of Fire

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 2 ratings

Tabber: Calebelijah

Composer: Yoko Shimomura, Mari Yamaguchi, Yasuaki Fujita, Minae Fujii, Tatsuya Nishimura

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

7065 views 16 years ago

Battle 2
Breath of Fire
Tabbed by CalebElijah
Composed by Yoshino Aoki

      H         H            H         E   E  Q     
   |-----3-----|     |-----3-----|        |-----3-----|               
   Q     Q     Q     Q     Q     Q        Q     Q     Q     H         
   |-----3-----|     |-----3-----|        |-----3-----|               
   Q     Q     Q     Q     Q     Q        Q     Q     Q     H         
   |-----3-----|     |-----3-----|        |-----3-----|               
   Q     Q     Q     Q     Q     Q        Q     Q     Q     H         
   |-----3-----|     |-----3-----|                                 
   Q     Q     Q     Q     Q     Q        E  S  E  S  E  H         
   Q    E   S   S  Q     Q        Q    E   S   S  Q     Q     
   |-----3-----|     |-----3-----|                              
   Q     Q     Q     Q     Q     Q        Q.      E   H         
   Q    E   S   S  Q     Q        Q    E   S   S  Q     Q     
   Q    E   S  S  Q     Q        Q     Q     Q     H         
   Q    E   S  S  H            Q    E   S  S  H         
   Q    E   S  S  H            Q    E   S  S  Q     Q     
   E  E  Q     E  E   E  E     Q     E  E   E  E  Q      

@T-Viruz 16 years ago

Is this really Breath of Fire II ? I mean it's been some time since I played the game but I'm sure I've never heard it before :/ maybe it's from the first part? cause I never played that one... oh well it's still a good tab and a pretty nice song good work as always Caleb!

@NoZKeY 15 years ago

Yeah its from Breath of fire 2, its the second battle theme in the game(there are 3 i think). Awesome tab. i hope you make one for "battle 1" or "Main theme" :)

@Alexander 15 years ago

This is actually from the original Breath of Fire.

@BacardiBreezer 14 years ago

Awesome! This is one of my favorite tunes from that game. I'd also like to see the main theme, or maybe the Dark Dragon's theme or battle with Zog.