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Cave Story


4.667 avg rating 3 ratings

Tabber: Rafaga

Composer: Daisuke Amaya

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

7564 views 15 years ago

Name of song - Moonsong
Name of game - Cave Story
Composer of song - Daisuke
Name of tabber - Eduardo "Rafaga" Ayala
Date tab was made - 7 November, 2009

 Great song, i play it on Classical Guitar w/ nylon strings, sounds the hell awesome.
 Put a capo on 5, and there you got it, standard tunning and... in the second part (around 0:15 and so on till 0:47)


|G||*-----0-2---|-----0-2---|-----2-3-2---5-3-2------| x2

Alternative 2                                                    |
|E|-----------|---------------|----------------------------|     |
|B|-----------|---------------|----------------------------|     |
|G|-----0-2---|---------0-2---|---------2-3-2---5-3-2------| x2  |
|D|---3-----3-|-------3-----3-|-----3-5-------5--------5-3-|     |
|A|-5-------L-|-5-4-3-------L-|-4-3-2---------L-1--------L-|     |
|E|-----------|---------------|----------------------------|     |
Alternative 3                                                    |
|E|-5-------L-|-3-1-0-------L-|-1--------------------------|     |
|B|-----------|---------------|---5-3---------L-1--------L-|     |
|G|-----0-2---|---------0-2---|-------0-2-3-2-----3-2------|     |     
|D|---3-----3-|-------3-----3-|-----3---------5--------5-3-|  x2 |
|A|-5-------L-|-5-4-3-------L-|-4-3-2---------L-1--------L-|     |
|E|-----------|---------------|----------------------------|     |



@Rafaga 15 years ago

I noticed that the text didn't save a part i wrote in ther so i write it here. In the second part you can choose to play wichever part you want The Alternative 1 (it doesn't show), the 2 or 3 one.