5.000 avg rating 5 ratings
Tabber: Kabukibear
Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda
Style: Transcription, Fingerstyle
Instrument: Guitar
29811 views 16 years ago
On The Beach of Dreams (Another World) ~Chrono Cross~ Composed By: Yasunori Mitsuda Tabbed By: Justin Lincoln E S S S S S S E S S S S S S E S S S S S S E S S S S E E||--------1-L---0h-1------1-L---0h-1-|-------1-L---0h-1------0-L------| B||-----------------------------------|-----------------------------3--| G||*-----2-----2---------2-----2------|-----2-----2---------2-----2----| D||*--0---------------0---------------|--------------------------------| A||-----------------------------------|--1---------------1-------------| E||-----------------------------------|--------------------------------| E S S S S S S E S S S S E E S S S S S S E S S S S E 3x -------5-L---3h-5------6-L---5--|-------3-L---1h-3------1-L---0---|| --------------------------------|---------------------------------|| -----5-----5---------5-----5----|-----0-----0---------0-----0----*|| --3---------------3-------------|--------------------------------*|| --------------------------------|--3---------------3--------------|| --------------------------------|---------------------------------|| E S S S S S S E S S S S S S E S S S S S S E S S S S S S -----------------------------------|----------------------------------| --------3-L---1h-3------3-L---1h-3-|-------1-L---0h-1------1-L---0h-1-| *----------------------------------|----------------------------------| *-----3-----3---------3-----3------|-----2-----2---------2-----2------| ---1---------------1---------------|--0---------------0---------------| -----------------------------------|----------------------------------| 1st ending --------------------------------------------------------, E S S S S S S E S S S S S S E S S S S S S E S S S S S S -------0-L-------------0-L--------|-------0-L-------------0-L---------|| -------------1h-3------------1h-3-|-------------1h-3------------1h-3--|| -----2-----2---------2-----2------|-----2-----2---------2-----2------*|| --0---------------0---------------|--0---------------0---------------*|| ----------------------------------|-----------------------------------|| ----------------------------------|-----------------------------------|| 2nd ending ----------------------------------------------------- E S S S S S S E S S S S S S E S S S S S S S S S S S S E ----------------------------------|----------------------0---1---0--| -------0-L-------------0-L--------|-------2-L---0h-2-3--------------| -------------2h-4------------2h-4-|---------------------------------| -----0-----0---------0-----0------|-----2-----2--------2---2---2----| ----------------------------------|--0------------------------------| --3---------------3---------------|---------------------------------| Da Capo W --5----------------|| --5----------------|| -------------------|| -------------------|| -------------------|| -------------------|| Duration Legend --------------- W - whole H - half Q - quarter E - 8th S - 16th T - 32nd X - 64th . - note dotted |-n-| - n-tuplets Tablature Legend ---------------- L - tied note h - hammer on Da Capo - Play from the beginning
@archard 16 years ago
Good job, but I have to say I liked the level of arrangement in Stamen's tab, This is much less risky than most of your other arrangements. I still like it though :)
@Kabukibear 16 years ago
Replying to:
@archard Good job, but I have to say I liked the level of arrangement in Stamen's tab,
Eh? This isn't an arrangement, neither is the other chrono cross one I posted. It's a note for note transcription of the guitar part that plays in the song. Since both of them had already been done as solo pieces on here but neither had the actual tabs I figured I'd fill in some missing pieces.
@archard 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Kabukibear Eh? This isn't an arrangement, neither is the other chrono cross one I posted. It's a note for note...
lol, sorry. Yeah I should learn how to read.
@karathrow 12 years ago
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