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On The Beach of Dreams - Another World

Chrono Cross


4.786 avg rating 14 ratings

Tabber: Stamen47

Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

24344 views 17 years ago

On The Beach of Dreams - Another World
Chrono Cross
Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda

     E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E

  E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E     E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E

    E  S E  S S S  E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S S S S E

  E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E     E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E

  E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S

  E  S S S S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S

  E  S S S S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S

  E  S S S S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S S S S S S S S S

  Q.     Q.     Q

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

@archard 17 years ago

Whoa! This is such a cool song, I've never heard of it before this tab. Awesome tab dude

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Dude, you did well with these. However, I'm not sure, but I think its in a different tuning. Might wanna check that out.

@Zareox 15 years ago

I'm surprised more people haven't seen this tab. It's awesome, who wouldn't wanna play a solo arrangement of this song?

@Brave Toaster 15 years ago

Damn, I NEED to play this. Your tabs are just awesome, sir Ronito!

@pokemaughan 15 years ago

Oh Stamen, with your unplayable tabs

@Colin_spade 14 years ago

I'm Planning On Recording Soon. Before Hand. I'm Poor. I Just Have A Little Camera To Use. :D I Have This Song Down. So I'll Post When I Can. ^^ I Love This Arrangement Btw. Thanks Stamen!!

@nathan777 14 years ago

Man i like ur version more than lonlonjp's ur is so awesome >.< keep it up

@Stamen47 12 years ago

I just went through and changed some of the fingerings and notes so it's more playable and so the voice leading makes more sense. The changes I made are in red.

E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E

E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E     E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E
-----------------------------|-----<FONT COLOR="red">1</FONT>-----------------------|

E  S E  S S S  E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S S S S E
|*--0----3-<FONT COLOR="red">/7</FONT>------0----7--0-<FONT COLOR="red">2-3</FONT>-|-----3-------------2-3-----0--|
|-------------<FONT COLOR="red">7-8</FONT>-----8----------|--1-------------1-------------|

E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E     E  S E  S S S E  S E  S E

E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S

E  S S S S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S S S S S S
-----0----------------0--------|-------0-----------<FONT COLOR="red">1---0</FONT>-------|
--3------3-----------------1-3-|-----<FONT COLOR="red">3</FONT>------1-3----<FONT COLOR="red">3-------1-3</FONT>-|
-----2-----------<FONT COLOR="red">2</FONT>-------2-----|--<FONT COLOR="red">2</FONT>-------2----------<FONT COLOR="red">2---2</FONT>-----|
-------3---0-3-----------------|-----------------------<FONT COLOR="red">3</FONT>-------|

E  S S S S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S E  S E  S S S
---------3------------3----1-3-|------------0-------------<FONT COLOR="red">0-1</FONT>-|
-------2-----<FONT COLOR="red">0-2</FONT>---------2-----|-------5------5------5--<FONT COLOR="red">0</FONT>-----|
-----3-----<FONT COLOR="red">3</FONT>--------3----------|-----5-------------5----------|

E  S S S S S S E  S E  S S S    E  S E  S S S S S S S S S S S
-------0-------0-3-----------0-|-------<FONT COLOR="red">2----0-2</FONT>-3---------------|
-------------2--------0----2---|-----<FONT COLOR="red">0----0</FONT>---------0---2---0---|
-------------------------0-----|--<FONT COLOR="red">0</FONT>---------------0---0---0---0-|

Q.     Q.     Q

@karathrow 12 years ago

The prodigal son returns!

@diralark 12 years ago

Awesome tab. Btw I applied Kabukibear 's hammer note to your tab => easier to play (i'm not good enought ATM) (look at http://www.gametabs.net/playstation/chrono-cross/on-the-beach-of-dreams-another-world)

@thedstring 10 years ago

Still fantastic, I'm glad I played through this one again!