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Radical Dreamers

Chrono Cross


4.927 avg rating 82 ratings

Tabber: Kabukibear

Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

371288 views 17 years ago

Radical Dreamers                                  
~Chrono Cross~
Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda
Arranged by: Justin Lincoln (Kabukibear)
Get this and more @ www.kabukibear.com


      E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

                                   1st ending--------------
  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S H           

  2nd ending-------------
  E  S S S S S S H             E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S T  T S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  1st ending---------------------    2nd ending---------------------
  S S S S S S S S E  S S S S S S      E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    H        Q    E  S S  

    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

                                   1st ending----------------
  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S Q    E  E     

  2nd ending-------------
  S S S S S S S S H           E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S T  T S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S S S H           S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S E  S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S E  S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S E  S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S E  S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S E  S S E  S S    E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    E  S S S S S S E  S S S S S S  

  E  S S S S S S H                           

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

Tablature Legend
L - tied note
p - pull off
^ - brush up

@archard 17 years ago

Awesome, you finally got this one finished up. I always loved this song and I never thought I'd be able to play it for solo guitar. With some practice it's actually pretty playable.

@Kabukibear 17 years ago

Yeah, I changed a few minor things here and there to make it easier to play and tried to figure out the best fingerings to reduce movement. It's still tricky, but I think it turned out ok. Thanks! :)

@Rick 17 years ago

lolwtf? You got the singing piece in there too? You're crazy bad ass dude


@superdoughboy4 17 years ago

Ah. Once again, very nice, Kabuki. I haven't played Chrono Cross, but this sounds great!

@Jin 17 years ago

Dang man, we owe you. This piece is tricky indeed, specially for an unskilled player like me - my fingers get all messy when the singing part begins - but I'm so determined on figure this song out that i won't give up, even if it takes me weeks =)

@xilvan 17 years ago

wow man , does anyone have a video in youtube when you play this song?? because it is rather difficult for me >.< so i wanna see someone playing it >.<

@ken 17 years ago

yeah!its rily make me more envy with u..shit man..u r skill man..but this tab rily tricky n have 2 put fast move u know...

@Shino 17 years ago

man why don´t you try play "Naruto" songs for example "sadness and sorrow" with your perfect arrangement, como complaciendo jajaja Pura vida!

@ken_kusanagi 17 years ago

yes..dats what i want 2 learn it..sound very gud..but 2 learn this tab the person must have their basic in fingering..rily have 2 knw how 2 arrange ur finger position..overall i can say it so tricky but im enjoy it..

@Kabukibear 17 years ago

Well, I mean it's not so hard it's unplayable. I recorded it, it's in the recordings section. I don't mean to seem full of myself but I'm fairly proud of this arrangement in that it really is the only one of it's kind to combine all the parts in a playable arrangement...so that being the case, what about it didn't you like enough to rate it not even a 4 star, much less 5. 3 stars? What was your beef with the tab? Maybe if I know I can improve them in the future...

@ken_kusanagi 17 years ago

im dun mean dat ur tab is not gud..actualy i want to give it more then dat..coz its rily make me fall in love on this tab..but more then 5star should be the own by the person who compose this song..i rily wonder how could he think out this song actualy..dat rily make me crazy u knw..anyway,to be like ur skill is too gud 4me oredy kabuki..

@superdoughboy4 17 years ago

There's nothing wrong with the tab Kabuki. Other than it being really hard to time the fingering and such to the actual song. But then again, these kinds of tabs are for intermediate++. I've gotten to play the other version of Radical Dreamers without the lead being included, and this has gotten even harder. Lol

@buddywacko 17 years ago

this is a great tab to an amazing piece of music. it's actually not too hard to learn. it would be a great song for people right under the intermediate level to learn, seeing as how this is one of those songs that could bring out a lack of efficiency, if you have it, and motivate a person to overcome that.

anyway, the use of notes in your tab is a great thing for those tricky parts. my computer's sound is screwed up and i havent heard the actual song in years, but thanks to the showing of the notes, i got it.

@ganbaru 16 years ago

holy crap. i never thought i'd see this song tabbed out with the singing as well for solo guitar. ive always played the other tabbed versions of this song, but even this is a challenge

kabukibear you are a god, and i want you to father my children.

@Bim 16 years ago

The true beauty of your musicianship is in the arrangement...

@yoshistrings 16 years ago

yoshistrings says,"excellently arranged, but I like archard's transcribed version better."

@Kabukibear 16 years ago

What an odd comment, kind of like saying "Apples are great, but I like airplanes better."

Regardless, if I could have arranged this and keep the original guitar part I would have, but that would just be impossible. Also, I thought there were enough transcriptions of the original version, one even by the composer himself, so another by me wasn't really needed.

@yoshistrings 16 years ago

nevermind, It's a good tab, I just missed something. but I think I was saying something more like, "apples are great, but I like pears better."

@yoshistrings 16 years ago


@Kokiri_Link101 16 years ago

what kind of guitar are you using in your youtube video for this? are you using classical with nylon strings?

and id also thanks for your video cause it really does help with figuring out the fingering

@Cyd 16 years ago

this apple is the best

@Mudo675 16 years ago

awesome, its not easy to make an arrangeament like that one, very nice work, u have incredible good talent

@CapnDrake 16 years ago

This song is impossible for me to play in standard tuning with my steel string accoustic.. the string tension is just too much and i can't barre the strings.. i find it makes playing possible if you tune your guitar a full step down it not only is playable but sounds a lot better imo

@Colin_spade 16 years ago

Ah! love this song! and i love this great arrangement! thank ya for for it kabuki! a challenge! lol

@Mithyus 16 years ago

This is the arrangement that got me hooked up your stuff, Bear. Such a beautiful piece fully translated to the guitar... I'm still working on the backing guitar only version, but this is definitely my favorite. I hope I'll pull it off some day...

And be back to YT if possible, please! Love your videos.

@frontier 15 years ago

Woooow, amazing! This is an excellent song!

Just one question. I started playing guitar earlier this year and I know this song is probably way more than I can handle right now but I really want to give it a shot. : ) I know I'm doing it wrong because my fingers are sliding from fret to fret at jetspeed to hit each note and I was wondering, am I supposed to play this with chords + finger plucking? As it is now, I'm just moving my fingers around to hit each individual note and so it sounds very stilted and all.

Sorry for the noob question!

@frontier 15 years ago

Alright, I'll do that. Thanks very much. : )

@natenmn 15 years ago

This arrangement is one of my all time favorites. It is what inspired me to get more serious about my playing. I know it may be a little late, but thank you kabuki!

@Wooto 15 years ago

I have 2 questions: Can you make a video? Could I ask to improve the solo part to make a duet?

@Piipa 15 years ago

great tab man, its so long!! :P could u play this whole song kabukibear?

@Warguyver 15 years ago

Greatest arrangement ever.

@abe_cool 15 years ago

Perfect! At first, it looks hard. but when i played it, it's actually quite simple. Now i just need t practice it more. THANKS!

@psion0011 14 years ago

Not hard to play at all! Very simple actually, I started learning this song a while ago and I had only been playing for 6 or 7 months by then. Got it down after like a month and it's still one of my favorite songs to play. Seriously good job kabukibear!

@KaminaSora 14 years ago

For the first time in my life I played the whole song in one go .OxO., felt like crying! For me this is Kabuki's Ougi, is his best arrangement, it used to be sooo high level, but only slowed the tempo to 60 bpm, and there you go. Love it!

@lognar 14 years ago

this is an amazing tab. . i learned the first half a while ago and now im playing the whole thing and it is very inspiring. also i wanna play chrono cross again lol

@Kabukibear 14 years ago

Glad so many people are getting enjoyment out of this one. Practice is all it takes guys! Put in a good 30 minutes a day for 7 days; focus, not on the parts you can play well but on the HARD parts. Slow it down and focus on the easiest way to play what you are reading. Don't be afraid to ask for help, I am always here for anyone who wants tips or has a question about any of my tabs. I'll tell you how I play it and why I do, and offer some advice if I can. Do that for a week and I guarantee you'll see an improvement in that short amount of time. Keep at it.

Happy strumming!

@AmnesiaCane 13 years ago

I love this song. There's a theme somewhere in Kingdom Hearts, probably the second one, that sounds a lot like it.

@Max_depa 13 years ago

my favorite tab of all time! this is amazing :D

@karathrow 13 years ago


@karathrow 13 years ago


So far I've got most of the song down pretty smooth but this part gets really awkward for me to not stop and have to reposition my hand or break up the flow.

Anyone have any suggestions/tips on how to play this part?

@Ryuzaki XD 13 years ago

Absolutely amazing! One of my friends at school was playing this and now we both play it together... Brings back memories of when we used to play the game xD.. Great work with tabs man, excellent job!

@retr0rocket 12 years ago

this song is what inspired me to take up guitar =D, i can almost play it now just need to get the arpeggio part down at the end and im done!

@Zee Captain 12 years ago

I never tire from playing this masterpiece! Accurate transcription, good job Kabukibear! I just enjoy playing this arrangement!

@Jasmydae 9 years ago

I love this tab so much.

@Vp-Bleau 12 years ago

This song was the love of my childhood video games. I'm now going to play this wonderful arrangement in Boston at a Music educators convention.

@musenji 10 years ago

Kabuki, if you see this, which do you think is more difficult--this, or your Gold Saucer arrangement?

I wasn't going to save this one because it's so tough at first play, but with all the enthusiasm, maybe I'll put it in the archive and give it a good try at some point.

@Colin_spade 4 years ago

it's been a little over 11 years since i last commented on this and i gotta say it's still amazing to play through this arrangement. still great work. and yes, i can play this from start to finish now xD lool

@Bel 3 years ago

Kabukibear I once stumbled upon your original video around 2013 or so(hard to keep track of time) but anyways ever since I started playing guitar I was always in love with finger style. When I played chrono cross when it came out I fell in love with this song immensely. I never knew how to play it or even imagined it could be played back then in my current musical state. When I got better and thought to myself one day I want to play this I looked it up and lo and behold there you were slaying it. I had no tabs. Just your video and my ear. I spent the better part of a whole night until the late hours of daylight watching and listening and felt like I really had it. Found this trying to remember it after so many years and looking at the tabs there are small almost insignificant notes I’m not hitting. I still can’t get the back and forth rhythm of the open E ,A, D strings in timing. Trying to find the proper positional techniques to switch from the b chords a chords and etc. man this cover really rocks! Do you by chance know how to play the sea of eden? I wanted to learn it and started by ear today and got stuck halfway through, but couldn’t find anywhere online that it is even listed as a song with sheet music at all, much less some tabs. I really hate using tabs honestly I prefer my ears but like I said got stuck. Think the harp strumming and all is kinda throwing me off. Anyways thank you for your contributions to this and another world