Super Nintendo
5.000 avg rating 5 ratings
Tabber: Juja
Composer: Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar, Bass
9344 views 17 years ago
Game: Chrono Trigger Song: "Burn! Bobonga!" Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Tabbed by: Not So Great Juja (Paul Horses) Key: ~ = vibrato p = pull-off h = hammer-on b = bend / = slide pm = palm-mute tr = tremolo picking This bass part just repeats the entire time. G|--------------------------------| D|--------------------------------| A|-3-4-4-4-5-4-3-5-4-3-5-4-2-3-4--| E|-1-2-2-2-3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-0-1-2--| Here are the guitar parts: e|1h2--2-1h2--2-3p2--2-1h2--2-5--3--2--| B|1h2--2-1h2--2-3p2--2-1h2--2----0--2--| G|----------------------------2--------| D|-------------------------------------| x2 A|-------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------| e|----------------------------------------------| B|/7-7h8-7~---5h7-8h10-7~-----------------------| G|----------6-------------6-6/9~\7\6---6b(7)6~--| D|-----------------------------------9----------| A|----------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------| e|---------------------------/9~p7---------------------| B|/7-7h8-7~---5h7-8h10-7~-7-7------10--10p8-7-7\5h8p7--| G|----------6------------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------| If you're playing on an acoustic guitar you might want to just pick every note because some of those slides and stuff might not hold out so well. After this, it plays the bass part twice and then repeats.
@Granzort Brasil 17 years ago
Perfect song thank you!!!!!!
@RED Masta C 15 years ago
@JohnnyThrash 13 years ago
This is a fantastic tablature, thanks for making this. I am actually using this tab to transcribe it to play both parts on electric bass using some slap style, chords, and a few frills of my own.