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Chrono Trigger

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 4 ratings

Tabber: Stamen47

Composer: Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Arrangement

Instrument: Guitar

10208 views 17 years ago

                                A Premonition                                   

                      Fade in....
                          |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   
     W                    E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   

   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   
   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   

   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   
   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   

   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   
   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   

   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   
   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   

   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   
   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   

   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   |---3---|   
   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   E   

   |--3--|  |--3--|   |--3--|  |--3--|   
   E  E  E  E  E  E   E  E  E  E  E  E   

Fade out....
   |--3--|  |--3--|   |--3--|  |--3--|   
   E  E  E  E  E  E   E  E  E  E  E  E   

   |--3--|  |--3--|   |--3--|  |--3--|    
   E  E  E  E  E  E   E  E  E  E  E  E    

Note - The strumming pattern in this tab is just a suggestion.
Strum however it feels right to you.

Note #2 - If you want to be really tricky, you can tap the guitar
with your thumbnail/pinky nail while playing the arpeggios at the
beginning to mimic the clock ticking in the game.

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

L - Tied Note

@archard 17 years ago

This tab looks really familiar... maybe I've seen it on your freewebs site before.

Either way, nice job!

@Anonymous 17 years ago

whats a tied note?

@musenji 10 years ago

I dunno about splitting up those chords into rhythms but I guess you can't sustain them. Maybe with a clean electric.