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Schala's Theme

Chrono Trigger

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 11 ratings

Tabber: Stamen47

Composer: Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda, Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics, Artificial harmonics

Instrument: Guitar

20764 views 17 years ago

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #

                             CHRONO TRIGGER - SCHALA

Music by Yasunori Mitsuda
Arranged by Stamen47

Gtr I (E A D G B E) 

    Gtr I
      E    E   E    E    E    E   E   E        E    E   E    E    E    E   E   E

    E    E   E    E    E    E   E   E      E    E   E    E    E    E   E   E
    W                                      W

    E    E   E    E    E   E   E   E      E E E E E E E E  4x
    H                  Q       Q          W

      H.             +E  E   H       H
      E  E  E  E E E  E  E   E E E E E E E E

  S S H       +E  E E   H       Q   E E
  E   E E E E  Q    E   E E E E E E Q

  H.           +E   E     H           Q.      E
  E  E E E E E  E   E     E   E E  E  E  E  E

                                      |-3-|                      |-3-|
  H             E E E E   E E E E E E E E E     H.           +E  S S S
  W                       W                     E  E E E E E  E  E

  H       Q   E E   E  E   E   E  E E E E   E E E E E E E E
  E E E E E E Q     W                       W
      E    E   E    E    E    E   E   E   4x

Duration Legend
W - whole; H - half; Q - quarter; E - 8th; S - 16th; T - 32nd; 
X - 64th; a - acciaccatura
+ - note tied to previous; . - note dotted; .. - note double dotted
Uncapitalized letters represent notes that are staccato (1/2 duration)
Irregular groupings are notated above the duration line
Duration letters will always appear directly above the note/fret 
number it represents the duration for.  Duration letters with no 
fret number below them represent rests.  Multi-bar rests are notated 
in the form Wxn, where n is the number of 
bars to rest for.  Low melody durations appear below the staff

Tablature Legend
 h   - hammer-on
 p   - pull-off
  - natural harmonic
[n]  - artificial harmonic
 <>  - volume swell (louder/softer)

Misc Legend
 |  - bar
||  - double bar
||o - repeat start
o|| - repeat end
*|  - double bar (ending)
 :  - bar (freetime)

Tempo markers -  = BPM(8/16=s8/s16), where s8 = swing 8ths, s16 = swing 16ths

@Stamen47 17 years ago

For those of you who might not know, the bracketed [19]'s in measures 2-5 are supposed to be artificial harmonics, which means that you tap the string above the 19th fret with the index finger of your picking hand while picking the string with the thumb of the same hand. It's kind of a tricky technique at first, but once you get the hang of it it's rather simple and offers extra flexibility. You should see the kind of stuff Tommy Emmanuel does with artificial harmonics, such as his intro to Michelle. It'll blow you away!

@archard 17 years ago

Nice tab, man. I like this song and arrangement a lot.

By the way, I fixed up the formatting of the tab a little bit so that it doesn't stretch the page as much... in the future you may want to use guitar pro as it won't stretch the page at all. I can send you the program if you want.

@Stamen47 17 years ago

Thanks, buddy. I actually already have guitar pro...but I got it after I got powertab, and I've been reluctant make some guinea pig tabs as I get used to a new program, and couldn't really see the advantage of it besides that it works better for having multiple instruments. I guess now is as good a time as any to get used to it, though.

@Wow_nonamesleft 15 years ago

I love it ! Atfirst i was overwhelmed and confused by it. this is lovely gave me chills playing this.

@diralark 14 years ago

Wow... incredible tab. Harmonics are fun. I m gonna work to play it good :)