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Simian Segue & Jungle Hijinx

Donkey Kong Country

Super Nintendo

4.714 avg rating 7 ratings

Tabber: Alechondo

Composer: Robin Beanland, Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Percussion

Instrument: Guitar

8003 views 10 years ago

Song: Island Swing
Composed by: David Wise, Eveline Fischer Novakovic, & Robin Beanland
Arranged by: Alejandro Achondo

  Alrighty folks, you asked for it and here it is(wait, nobody asked for it? Oh well, screw it..).

  It's a medley of the two songs in the title and I think they blend together nicely. I just call it "Island Swing". I know It's a bit crazy looking because I had no idea what I was doing but I'm sure you'll figure it out by listening to my cruddy recording. Keep your rhythm with your bass notes.

  The recording is just a little different than what's here(Besides all the sour notes, I've added a couple things since it was made) but I figured you guys could probably get it anyway. It's loads of fun to play. Also I play it just a bit different than this and the recording now, I've added a section before the end that goes into some stuff from the song Jungle Japes and I added the ending with all the drums and yada yada.

  I'll get around to recording the definitive version and editing it with some more x's and add the Jungle Japes and ending stuff if you guys dig it. I figure someone might take it down and re edit it with bar lines and junk anyway so I didn't want to put too much more time into it just yet(this too sooo freaking long to write in notepad). Plus I didn't want to put a whole bunch of stuff in there that wasn't in the recording.

  Anyway, listen to the track to get all the percussive elements to it down. I basically just alternate between normal finger picking style and either a nail attack or a bass-style slap to give it that sound. I know some of it might not be accurate but I'd love you guys for some suggestions(besides "make ur tab bettr DERP"). 

Let me know what you think! I'll stop typing now lol..(Me and my annoyingly long introduction) -A

Here we go..

         Hey! I remember this song..






       So tropical!

      Let those bass notes ring!
 This part takes a bit to get down, not much room down there..
Sometimes i don't play the ten on this last chord, too hard

                              Oh boy!


      Walk that bass!

                             Aww yeaahh



           So much fun, this part







I know i totally screw up the rhythm on the recording for this fill, nerves..
Flick your fingers one at a time on this last chord btw
      Wes Montgomery style
]-----------------------]    Fin
]-----------------------]    Whew! 

@thedstring 10 years ago

That was impressive, especially the recording you put up, great stuff!

I only wish the tab were a little more readable, it's skinny and I have to scroll a lot.

No other complaints! Music itself and notes depicted, 10/10!

@LeonFF7 10 years ago

Fantastic! I'll be playing this for years to come, Thanks man.

@jwmb123 10 years ago

Oh My God.....It's Amazing.