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Mission 4

Double Dragon


5.000 avg rating 1 rating

Tabber: Tyrant

Composer: Kazunaka Yamane

Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar

10238 views 16 years ago

Guitar One part - 

-|       |       |       |        

Riff 1 - Repeat 2x

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

Riff 2 -

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        
|------------7---8---7-----------|7---8---10--8---7---------------| 2x

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

Fill - 

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        

Repeat Riff 1   two times

Riff 4 - 

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

Repeat Fill

Guitar 2 Part - 

Intro - Stroke it

Riff 1 - Repeat 6x

-|       |       |       |        

Fill - Guitar 2 -

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

Riff 2 - 

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

-|       |       |       |        |       |       |       |        

@michiro 16 years ago

This piece is also known as "Old Nemesis Willy", Epic win indeed :D

@Chid 16 years ago

awesome piece, but I thought this was the song for misison 4.

@DREWLASERDEATH 14 years ago

Thanks for fixing the title :)

@LTRobson 15 years ago

Is it this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMl7HBMqXXk

There's no mention of the system this tab is for.

@Bene 14 years ago

Great tab, but I think the marker for the Fill is in the wrong part. That part actually starts on the tab line just above it.

@flowershin5 6 years ago

why does the listen button download the title screen midi? or is something wrong with my browser/cpu?