Sega Genesis
3.000 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: Werts
Composer: Attila Heger
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
5487 views 16 years ago
Main Theme Ecco: The Tides of Time Sega Genesis/MegaDrive version Composed by: Attila Heger, 1994 Tabbed by: Werts ([email protected]) 8-6-08 1. Bass. This is Bass Riff One: e|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|---8---4---1---8---4---1---8---| D|-------------------------------| A|-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------| Bass Riff Two: e|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|---7---3---0---7---3---0---7---| D|-------------------------------| A|-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------| Play Bass Riff One 12 times. Play Bass Riff Two once. Play Bass Riff One once. Play Bass Riff Two once. 2. Main Melody. Begin at 25 seconds. e|---4------6---7---0-------------------------------| B|-------------------------4-2-4-------5------7-----| G|--------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------| e|---3------5---6-----------------------------------| B|------------------4---3--2---7---9-11-12--11--10--| G|--------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------| e|-----------------------------| B|---11------11-11-11------4---| G|-----------------------------| D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| E|-----------------------------| Repeat as many times as needed.
@poeticjedi 16 years ago
i don't do tabs but this is one of my favorite songs of all time so ive been thumbing around with it by ear before and got nowhere do to the tracks just not lining up in my head, with the recent tab though i have had a baseboard to work from
im not stealing here i just wanted to offer an alternate style to this tab and if allowed i will polish it further under whatever creative guidelines are needed, i don't want credit for anything really i just want to share it
perhaps this is a cheap bass method i know its just dual e's but for me it felt the most like the song perhaps not the most accurate note for note, but for replicating it, i really need to get a music theory class under my belt sometime, it will help me so much
i have not gotten to the bass part yet, those last 4 notes were driving me nuts for days and i just got it like 5 minutes ago
@Werts 16 years ago
Replying to:
@poeticjedi i don't do tabs but this is one of my favorite songs of all time so ive been thumbing around with it...
First off, thank you very, very much for the kind words. They mean a lot to me, and I'm glad I've helped you. :)
As I've only recently begun learning guitar, there is a large chance I am more inexperienced then you. While in my current state of talent I find the duel e strings difficult to work with, I especially love how you nailed those last four notes. When I made the tab I tried to get them as well, but obviously failed.
Also, using the second fret on the high e string as the basis for the near-last part of the song is much better than how I tabbed it: using the higher frets on the b string. I'll definitely be using your method over mine from here on out. :)
Oh, another thing. If you're uncomfortable with spreading your fingers for the bass riff over the fretboard that much, then I offer this alternative solution:
e|-------------------------| B|-------------------------| G|-------------------------| D|--8---------8---------8--| A|-----9---------9---------| E|--------11--------11-----|
And for the second bass riff just move your fingers up one fret lower.
To reiterate, your tab is superior to mine, and again I thank you. ^^
@poeticjedi 16 years ago
im glad it helped out, i still don;t hear the bass line though, i don't know what it is, but its just not clicking in my brain, maybe you and i should work on some tabs together though :) pop me a message if ya like aim:poetjedi or pm me on here
@Werts 16 years ago
Replying to:
@poeticjedi EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT ................................(quick slide).......... e|---4------6-...
Sure, I'll get to you soon. :)