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Disposal Valley

Eternal Ring

PlayStation 2

5.000 avg rating 2 ratings

Tabber: scarecrowlol

Composer: Keiichiro Segawa, Yuji Kanda, Tsukasa Saitoh

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

2970 views 9 years ago

Title: Disposal Valley
SubTitle: Eternal Ring
Artist: Keiichiro Segawa, Yuji Kanda, Tsukasa Saitoh
Tabber: Mitch Jackson
Tempo = 60
T/S = 3/4

   ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ CAPO 2 ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

Tuning = Drop 'D'

Left hand fingering is included in GP file as a guide
Any note durations without any notes under them are rests

s = Slide
p = Pull=Off
L = Hold Previous Note
(?) = Ghost Note
^ = Upward Arpeggio
rall = Rallentando (Gradually Slow Down Speed)
mf = mezzo-forte (Moderately Loud)
mp = mezzo-piano (Moderately Quiet)

      E  E  E  S S S S E       E  E  E  S S S E.       E  S E.   Q.            E  S E.   Q.
E ||----------(0)------5----|--2--------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|
B ||-----0-----1-Ls3--------|-----0--3--1-Ls3-------|-----0-----------------|-----0-----------------|
G ||o----0-----2-Ls4--------|-----0-----2-Ls4-------|-----0------2----------|-----0------2----------|
D ||o-------2---------------|-----------------------|-----2------3----------|-----2------3----------|
A ||------------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|
D ||--2--------3-Ls5--------|--2--------3-Ls5-------|--2---------1----------|--2---------1----------|

     E  E  E  S S S S E       E  E  E  S S S S E       E  S E.   Q.            E  S E.   Q.

     S S S S E  S S S S S T T     E  E  E  E  S S E       E  S E.   Q.            E  S E.   Q. 

     S S S S E  S S S S S T T     E  E  E  E  S S E       E  S E.   Q.            E  S E.   E  E  S S 

     S S E  S S S S E  S S      S S S S S S S S E  S S      S S E  S S S S E  S S      S S S S S S S S E  S S

     S S E  S S S S E  S S      S S S S S S S S E  S S      S S E  S S S S E  S S      S S S S S S S S Q   

     S S S S S S S S S S S S      S S S S S S S S S S S S      S S S S S S S S S S S S      S S S S S S S S S S S S

     ^                                                      ^
     S S E  S S S S E  S S      S S S S S S S S E  S S      S S E  S S S S E  S S      S S S S S S S S Q        

  mp                         mf             
     S S S S S S E  S E.        E  E  E  S S S S E       E  E  E  S S S E.       E  S E.   Q.              

     E  S E.   E  Q          H.

Note Durations:
H.= Dotted Half Note - 3 Beats (Minum + Crotchet)
Q. = Dotted Quarter Note - 1 & 1/2 Beats (Crotchet + Quaver)
Q = Quarter Note / Crotchet - 1 Beat
E. = Dotted Eighth Note - 3/4 Beat (Quaver + Semiquaver)
E = Eighth Note / Quaver - 1/2 Beat
S = Sixteenth Note / Semiquaver - 1/4 Beat
T = Thirty-Second Note / Demisemiquaver - 1/8 Beat

@thedstring 9 years ago

That was so much fun to play =)
