Super Nintendo
3.800 avg rating 5 ratings
Tabber: eddhead
Composer: Yumiko Konki
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
69723 views 17 years ago
F-Zero: Big Blue (Super Nes) Written by: Koji Kondo...? Tabbed by: "Fast" Eddie Schofield Tuning: Normal Intro e--7----7-5----5----5-7- B----------------------- G----------------------- Repeat 2x D----------------------- A----------------------- E----------------------- e------------------ B------------------ G------------------ D------------------ A-1-----4-3---1---- E---1-4-----3------ e--7----7-5----5----5-7- B----------------------- G----------------------- D----------------------- A----------------------- E----------------------- e------------------ B----------1-0----- G---1-3------------ D-4------4--------- A------------------ E------------------ e--7----7-5--10--9------------------- B-------------------10--10-10---10-7- G------------------------------------ D------------------------------------ A------------------------------------ E------------------------------------ Main Part e--1--------------------------------- B------4---2-1-2----1-----1----2-1--- G---------------------3-1----------1- D------------------------------------ A------------------------------------ E------------------------------------ e--1----1-4-3---1-------------------- B-------------4-----2-4-6-4---------- G-----3------------------------------ D------------------------------------ A------------------------------------ E------------------------------------ e--6--6--6-8-9-8-------6--6--6-8-13-11---- B---6--6-----------9----6--6-------------- G----3--3----------------3--3------------- D----------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------- e--8-9-8--------6--8-9-13-11--9-8--9-8---6--- B--------9-7--9------------------------9----- G-------------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------- e--1--------1-----6-------------------- B----2---2-----4---6---4--1-2-4-------- G------3-------------------------1----- D-------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------- e--4-2--1/2/1-------------1-6-9---11--13--11--- B-------------4-2-1---------------------11----- G-------------------1---3---------------------- D---------------------------------------------- A---------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------- e--9--8---4-6-8-9-8-11---8-4-2/1---- B-------6--------------------------- G----------------------------------- D----------------------------------- A----------------------------------- E----------------------------------- e--1/2-1/2-1/2-6------6---9-6------- B----------------6--6---6-----6---6- G-------------------------------6--- D----------------------------------- A----------------------------------- E----------------------------------- e--------------4------4---8--------- B--6/7-6/7-6/7---4--6---6---9-6----- G----------------------------------- D----------------------------------- A----------------------------------- E----------------------------------- e----6-9---6-9---6-9---6-9-11--8---- B--7-----7-----7-----7-------------- G----------------------------------- D----------------------------------- A----------------------------------- E----------------------------------- e------8-----8-----8-----8-9--8----- B--6-9---6-9---6-9---6-9------------ G----------------------------------- D----------------------------------- A----------------------------------- E----------------------------------- Warning: may cause absolute insanity or exploding heads. e----------------------------------------1--4-1- B-----------------------------1-1/2/1/2/4------- G--------------------3-1/3/1/3-3---------------- D-----0-0/1/0/1/3/1/3-1------------------------- A--1/3-3---------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------- e--------1-1-4--8---9-8---6--1-----4--2-1-- B--1---1----------9--------------2--------- G----1-------------------------3----------- D------------------------------------------ A------------------------------------------ E------------------------------------------ e------1-4---4-4-4-------------- B----2-------------------------- G--3-------------------1----1--- D--------------------3----3----- A------------------------------- E------------------------------- Repeat from beginning (if you want to) And that's all there is to it! Please send any problems/comments/hatred you have about the tab to [email protected] Keep rockin' man! 01-28-06: Finished Tab
@Kieys 17 years ago
loved it!
@Sushi 17 years ago
nice, probably my favourite song in ssbm
@T-Train 17 years ago
That was totally awesome, bro!
@jordain 17 years ago
i made this tab and he stole it from me
@eddhead 17 years ago
'fraid not, jordain. there's a possibility that we are just so awesome that we both tabbed it identically, but i did this myself jan. 28 2006. it took the whole afternoon, i remember...
@Guitarist 17 years ago
doesnt sound right to me, does this sound right on a accoustic guitar? ..hmm idk, im a noob at guitar you see..
@Guitarist 17 years ago
Sorry for double posting, it sounds incorrect if u do it slow, and correct if u do it fast right? I LEARNED SOMETHING!!
@Anonymous 17 years ago
wow this doesnt sound anything like the song at all.. idk about what u guys think..
@Anonymous 17 years ago
this tab is for DUMMIES!!!!
@eddhead 17 years ago
sorry for sucking... I guess....?
@Anonymous 17 years ago
this is hard for me 1-----4-3---1---- E---1-4-----3------
@somedude 17 years ago
Isn't the intro supposed to contain more power chords?
@thdude 16 years ago
Replying to:
@somedude Isn't the intro supposed to contain more power chords?
thats what i thought... try just using the same note on both strings... ie the e and B strings both being the same
eg. --77---55---77--55 --77---55---77--55
@thdude 16 years ago
Replying to:
@thdude thats what i thought... try just using the same note on both strings... ie the e and B strings both...
sorry boutdouble post... stupid comment messed up its
--77--55--77--55 --77--55--77--55
this is just an example of what i mean...
@Kev 16 years ago
It sounds even better with the power chords in the intro. I play acoustic, and i think it sounds a bit better with:
--7--7-5--5--5--5-7-- --7--7-5--5--5--5-7-- --8--8-6--6--6--6-8--
@anotherfanboy 16 years ago
ummmmmmmmmmm sorry man............ but this tab is bad
just play the power chords on the bottom 3 strings by the way
@Tanimax 15 years ago
Replying to:
@anotherfanboy ummmmmmmmmmm sorry man............ but this tab is bad just play the power chords on the bottom 3 st...
Only play power chords on three strings? Way to limit yourself there.
@aki-chan 16 years ago
T-T icant play at the fast enough speed and i really like this song T-T
@Segun24 16 years ago
What about this?
|-------------------| |-------------------| |-7--7-5--5--5-7----| |-7--7-5--5--5-7----| |-------------------| |-------------------|
And sometimes I use:
|-9--9-7--7--7-9----| |-9--9-7--7--7-9----| |-------------------| |-------------------| |-------------------| |-------------------|
Enjoy =P
@Micman52 16 years ago
I find the best way to play the intro is with some distortion on a electric(obv) and with these power cords:
e----------------------- B----------------------- G----------------------- D--7----7-5----5----5-7- A--7----7-5----5----5-7- E--5----5-3----3----3-5-
Also sounds real good 2 frets down if you want a higher pitch.
@Micman52 16 years ago
I find the best way to play the intro is with some distortion on a electric(obv) and with these power cords:
e----------------------- B----------------------- G----------------------- D--7----7-5----5----5-7- A--7----7-5----5----5-7- E--5----5-3----3----3-5-
Also sounds real good 2 frets down if you want a higher pitch.
@Micman52 16 years ago
Woops! Sorry I don't know how that happened. =\
@immaculate_corruption 15 years ago
Does anybody know if this bears any similarity to the version of big blue done by "the mop aka zeke"? and if not, does anyone know where the hell i can find that tab?!