4.778 avg rating 9 ratings
Tabber: metalmouth7
Composer: Inon Zur
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
35132 views 13 years ago
Mysterious Strangers Theme Tabbed by: Metalmouth7 Tuning: Standard E|---------------------| B|-------------------4-| G|-------------------4-| D|-------------------5-| A|------------5--------| E|--0-3---0-7---6------|
@akumaserge 13 years ago
...I just played this and he showed up to shoot a super mutant.
@JTKGTS 11 years ago
I just played this song. I am great. This is the first song I ever learned!
@GrantBesseyRocks 10 years ago
this is my favorite game of all time so when i saw MYSTERIOUS STRANGER i about shit myself. thank you so much