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Red Wings

Final Fantasy IV

Super Nintendo

Tabber: auriplane

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Bass

4542 views 15 years ago

              Final Fantasy IV (SNES) - The Red Wings BASS TAB
                           Song by Nobuo Uematsu

                   Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected])

    Intro          4/4 time

   Q     Q     E  E  Q      Q     T T T T T T T T T
G |------------------------|------------------------|
D |------------------------|------------------------| x2
A |------------------------|------------------------|
E |3-----3-----3--3--3-----|3-----3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|

    Part A         4/4 time

   Q     Q     E  E  Q      Q     T T T T T T T T T
G |------------------------|------------------------|
D |------------------------|------------------------| x12
A |------------------------|------------------------|
E |3-----3-----3--3--3-----|3-----3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|

    Part B         7/4 time

   H.                Q     H.                  \
G |------------------------------------------|  |
D |------------------------------------------|  |
A |1-----------------------1-----------------|  |
E |------------------0-----------------------|  |
                                                | x2
   H.                Q     H.                   |
G |------------------------------------------|  |
D |------------------------------------------|  |
A |4-----------------------4-----------------|  |
E |------------------3-----------------------| /

   Q     H           H          T T T Q
G |------------------------------------------|
D |------------------------------------------|
A |------------------------------------------|  
E |4-----4-----------4----------4-4-4-4------|

    Repeat back to Part A.

    E = Eighth note
    Q = Quarter note
    H = Half note
    H. = Dotted half note

    T = Eighth note triplet

@natenmn 15 years ago

Redwings needs more love... its so epic! I don't know if I can rate this, as I don't have a bass :-S. Hopefully some of the bass players out there stumble on this.

It would be awesome if you could make a midi or even a recording of this Auri :). I bet you could program the drums, too!