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Fate in Haze

Final Fantasy V

Super Nintendo

4.000 avg rating 1 rating

Tabber: musenji

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar

5151 views 15 years ago

Final Fantasy V
Fate in Haze (Cave Music I)
composed by Nobuo Uematsu
tabbed by musenji, 3-9-2010

This is one of my favorites from ff5--hope you enjoy it!

It's all in standard tuning, except for the bass part at the very end.

And finally, it's a half step down from the original, so capo on 1 if
you want to play along with the game/midi.

****"HARP" INTRO****

The given fingerings are what work best for me personally; feel free
to experiment.

Above the tab: right hand fingering (p-thumb i-index m-middle a-ring)

Below the tab: left hand fingering (1-index 2-middle 3-ring 4-pinky)

  p i m a m a a  m  i  p  p p  i m  p  i  m  a  a  m  m  i  p  p


  2       2 1 1  4  3  2  4 1       2  3  4  1  4  3  1  1  1  3



It's basically repeated arpeggiated chords.  I've written out a couple
different ways to play each chord, followed by the chord chart.

---Low set---

Em:		F:		Dm:

-------------	-------------   -----------1-
-----------0-	-----------1-   ---------3---
---------0---   ---------2---   -------2-----
-------2-----   -------3-----   -----0-------
-----2-------   ---0h3-------   ---0---------
-0h3---------   -1-----------   -1-----------

G:		C:		A:	
-------------   -----------0-	-----------0-
---------0h3-	---------1---	---------2---
-------0-----	-------0-----	-------2-----
-----0-------	-----2-------	-----2-------
---2---------   ---3---------	-0h4---------
-3-----------	-3-----------	-------------

---High set---

Em:		F:		   	Dm:				

-------7------	---------8-------	-------5------
-----8---8----	------10---10----	-----6---6----
---9-------9--  ---10---------10-	---7-------7--
--------------  -----------------	--------------
-7------------  -8---------------	-5------------
--------------  -----------------	--------------

G:		     C:			A:

----------10-------  -------8------	--------9------
-------12----12----  -----8---8----	-----10---10---
----12----------12-  ---9-------9--	---9---------9-
-------------------  --------------	-7-------------
-10----------------  --------------	---------------
-------------------  -8------------	---------------

---Chord chart---

Em Em Em Em / F  F  F  F / Em Em Em Em / (F  F  F  F)

Em Em Em Em / F  F  F  F / Em Em Em Em / (F  F  F  F)

G  G  G  G  / F  F  F  F / G  G  G  G

C  C  G  G  / C  C Em Em / C  C  G  G  / A  A  A  A

After listening to the original again:

I think that those F's in parentheses are probably supposed to be Dm's,
so I've included Dm chords for reference.  For the high version it's a
cinch, but the low...well it almost rhymes with cinch.  :D

Anyway, the F's work if you're not including the bass line, and I rather
like how they sound with the melody.

Also, it turns out there are variations within each chord set; I'll let
them go for someone else to tab, or for a later day.


I've done a high and low version of the melody as well.  The low version
stays on the the bottom three strings to keep the tone consistent.


*   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    *   .   .   .   

*   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    *   .   .   .   

*   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    

*   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    *   .   .   .    *   .   .   .


(Rhythms are not exact, but measures are the same.)






Drop D Tuning for guitar.  It has some octave switches, which is unavoidable
unless it were to all be played an octave higher, or in Drop A.





@Bessem 11 years ago

but need more precision in the chords part