Super Nintendo
5.000 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: musenji
Composer: Nobuo Uematsu
Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle
Instrument: Guitar
3309 views 10 years ago
Final Fantasy V Goodnight composed by Nobuo Uematsu tabbed (altered?) by musenji, 2014 I took Auriplane's 2 guitar/bass transcription, and crammed (crammed, I say!) all three parts together, moving some stuff around so that it works as a solo. And guys. I am the whiniest whiner when it comes to hand stretches, so if I can do this, lots of people can! Standard tuning e |-----8---9---11-|13-------9------|12-------8------|11--------------| B |11--------------|11--------------|10--------------|-9--------------| G |----------------|13--------------|12--------------|10--------------| D |----------------|----------------|----------------|10--------------| A |----------------|-9--------------|-8--------------|----------------| E |----------------|----------------|----------------|-9--------------|
@musenji 10 years ago
I mean it's pretty hard but I can get it at half-tempo right now, ish. Minus the switch to the final chord--that's just nasty.