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Devil's Lab

Final Fantasy VI

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 3 ratings

Tabber: thedstring

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

6119 views 12 years ago

Devil's Lab
Final Fantasy VI

Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
Arranged by Nate Brooks (thedstring)

Standard Tuning
Capo fret 2

The > symbol after a note means to emphasize that note.

E |----------------------------|----------------------------|
B |----------------------------|----------------------------|
G |----------------------------|----------------------------|
D |--------------0-------------|--------0--2--4-------------|
A |--2-----2--------------1----|--2--4--------------1-------|
E |----------------------------|----------------------------|
















@thedstring 12 years ago

The song seems really chaotic if you don't listen to the MP3 of it. Please do that.

Also, the capo really makes the song sound correct, I just played it without the capo, I hardly recognize it.

I'll work on an easier version, it might even sound better than this one.

@BigHeadClan 12 years ago

Looks like I found a good song to help practice on using more than 3 fingers for playing :P

@thedstring 12 years ago

Updated! This is a much easier version, sounds better too!

@musenji 10 years ago

...This is the easier version? heheh

The first few lines felt awkward to me. Knowing you went to the trouble to make it easier, I will play through the whole thing with the capo. (I did listen to the midi).

...Heh, well, it's still a bit rough for me, but good show. :D