4.500 avg rating 8 ratings
Tabber: BacardiBreezer
Composer: Nobuo Uematsu
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
33652 views 13 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Aeris/Aerith's Theme Final Fantasy 7 Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Tabbed by Bacardibreezer 12/9/11 e|----------10~------8-------------------10-9-12-10----9-------------| B|------10--------------10------------10------------12---10----------| G|--11----------------------9~-----11---------------------------9~---| D|-------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------| e|----------10~------8-------------------------------------------| B|------10--------------10---------------------------------------| G|--11----------------------9~-----7-9-7~-----10--9--7--9--7~~---| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| e|----------------------------7--9--10----7~-------------7-------| B|--------7~-----7--8--10~-----------------------8---10----10~---| G|--7--9---------------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------| e|-------------------------------|--------------------------------| B|--10--------------12--10-------|--10--------------12--14--15~---| G|------11-----------------------|------11------------------------| D|----------11~-------------12~--|----------11~-------------------| A|-------------------------------|--------------------------------| E|-------------------------------|--------------------------------| e|-------------------------------------------------14-14~---| B|--15--14--12-----------------15--14--12--14~--------------| G|--------------14----11~-----------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------| e|----------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--15--14--12----------------------------------------------------------| G|--------------14-------------9-11-12-11-9---------12--11------9-------| D|--------------------14~-------------------12~-------------12-----12~--| A|----------------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------------| e|--10--9--7------------------------------------------7~-----------| B|-------------10------------5-7-8-7-5---------8~------------10~---| G|------------------9~-----------------7~--------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------|
@hashel 13 years ago
Nice tab, are you going to cover it ? =)
@BacardiBreezer 13 years ago
Replying to:
@hashel Nice tab, are you going to cover it ? =)
Thanks! I'm sure I will one of these days :) maybe I'll try using my usb for that one
@wayfaerer 13 years ago
nice tab bacardi! very fluent.
@BacardiBreezer 13 years ago
I know I won't get an answer but I wish people who were voting 2 or 3 would say what their problem with the tab is.
@Ranulf 13 years ago
Replying to:
@BacardiBreezer I know I won't get an answer but I wish people who were voting 2 or 3 would say what their problem w...
I didn't do that, but there is one mistake, at least I think it is. The D14 on the second to last staff, shouldn't that be G14? Other than that the tab was accurate, so just ignore em'.
@hslesperance 13 years ago
Replying to:
@Ranulf I didn't do that, but there is one mistake, at least I think it is. The D14 on the second to last s...
I wasn't too sure about that part. The way I interpreted it was, on the fourth beat the flute (the instrument being tabbed) plays a D14 while the strings play G14. While those two notes are ringing out, the brass then plays D14 as well on the sixth beat.
But it might be easier to put G14, then D14 for the flute. So it's updated
@Ranulf 13 years ago
Replying to:
@hslesperance I wasn't too sure about that part. The way I interpreted it was, on the fourth beat the flute (the i...
Yeah, I thought I might have gotten confused by a different instrument at that part, but I wasn't sure :\
@hashel 13 years ago
the G14 sounds better to me but it's the only "black point" maybe some people here are only waiting for solo guitar tab
@BacardiBreezer 13 years ago
Replying to:
@hashel the G14 sounds better to me but it's the only "black point" maybe some people here are only waiting...
Yeah 95% of the time I do solo guitar tabs, yet I get low ratings. People must not realize that. Would be nice to know how I could improve the tab.
@newplayer 11 years ago
i think when people see anything past the 12th frett they dont like it, as its hard to play on a lot of guitars
also, the melody is mostly on the high 2 strings makes it sound a bit "tinny" compared to the other tabs
i still gave it 4 stars though, its spot on imo, just a lil high sounding, this song wasnt really ment for guitar though