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Cosmo Canyon

Final Fantasy VII


4.800 avg rating 5 ratings

Tabber: SixStringDealey

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar, Bass

8632 views 11 years ago

Note: The Main Melody in the guitars text file has been arranged 1 octave lower than the official release.
There are simply some notes that require quite a long guitar neck.
As I explain within the performance notes of the Power Tab, I've simply put a capo on it's 12th fret to make it sound proper.
It sounds okay an octave down, but what I'll be doing is using an octave-up effect on my lead guitar.

Aww yeh. New member here. I've been on a kick of learning some old FF tunes that I could dissect
and make Guitar / Bass recordings of lately and i stumbled across this site hoping to find inspiration for
song ideas and already tabbed versions of songs that I'd be interested in doing.
Some of your classical/finger-style arrangements are crazy! (the good kind of crazy, of course.)
Long story short, I couldn't find a tab for Cosmo Canyon that was anywhere near as detailed as I'd like.
I own the soundtrack, so I spent a night transcribing literally everything but
the tambourine (only because the program wouldn't let me :P) in great detail and accuracy
all while ensuring playability without loss of quality. 

Anyway, I really hope that you guys will check out the Power Tab file, as I assure you that it is VERY accurate
for all instruments. Each of which has been properly arranged for various guitars. I've also transcribed the bass
all the way through which is something i haven't seen done.
(Some people roughly arrange it for guitars in standard tuning, but I believe it's more proper on the bass.
This gives you bass players something to do, as well. :D) I feel like this is the ideal place for my tab to rest.

                            VALLEY OF THE FALLEN STAR
                          As recorded by Nobuo Uematsu
               (From the 1997 Album FINAL FANTASY VII SOUNDTRACK)

Music by Nobuo Uematsu
Arranged by Nobuo Uematsu
Transcribed by Alex Cowan

Gtr I (E A D G B E) - 'Banjo'
Gtr II (E A D G B E) - 'Strings (Left)'
Gtr III (E A D G B E) - 'Strings (Right)'
Gtr IV (E A D G B E) - 'Main Melody'

 Intro (Percussion / Bass only for 14 measures)

 Verse (Banjo / Main Melody)
   $ (Segno)
  Gtr I
| Gtr IV

|                                        ~~~~

|                                                              >
|                                                              ~~~


|                                        ~~~~


|                      >
|                      ~~~

 Chorus (Strings Left, Main Melody, Strings Right)
  Gtr II
            >               >                 >
|                                  ~~~

            >              >                                     >
|                                                        ~~~~~

|                                                       >
|                                          ~~~
| Gtr III

            >               >                 >
|                                  ~~~

            >              >                                     >
|                                                        ~~~~~

|                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

|                 >                                  >
|   ~~~~                               ~~~~
|                                                    >

 Bridge to Verse (Banjo)
  Gtr I

                              D.S. (Dal Segno [this means return to segno [the verse :P])

 Outro (Banjo / Main Melody Fade Out)
| Gtr IV

|                                        ~~~~

|                                                              ~~~

                      VALLEY OF THE FALLEN STAR (Bassline)
                          As recorded by Nobuo Uematsu
               (From the 1997 Album FINAL FANTASY VII SOUNDTRACK)

Music by Nobuo Uematsu
Arranged by Nobuo Uematsu
Transcribed by Alex Cowan

Gtr I (E A D G) - 'Tribal Drums' (not to be played by guitar or bass. too lazy to remove...)
Gtr II (E A D G) - 'Acoustic Bass'
Gtr III (E A D G) - 'Distorted Bass'

 Intro (Tribal Drums / Acoustic Bass)
  Gtr I
     PM|    PM|      PM|    PM|      PM|    PM|      PM|    PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|          PM|      PM|      PM|    PM|
| Gtr II

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|          PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

  $ (Segno)
         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

        PM|        PM|       PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

 Chorus (Distorted Bass)
         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|
| Gtrs II, III

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|    PM|

        PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|       PM|    PM|       PM|    PM|

       PM|       PM|         PM|       PM|

       PM|       PM|         PM|      PM|

 Bridge to Verse (Acoustic Bass)
         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|
| Gtr II

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

                                      D.S. (Dal Segno [Return to segno. the Verse])
         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

 Outro (Fade Out)
         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

         PM|      PM|      PM|      PM|

Tablature Legend
 h   - hammer-on
 p   - pull-off
 b   - bend
 pb  - pre-bend
 r   - bend release (if no number after the r, then release immediately)
 /\  - slide into or out of (from/to "nowhere")
 s   - legato slide
 S   - shift slide
  - natural harmonic
[n]  - artificial harmonic
n(n) - tapped harmonic
 ~   - vibrato
 tr  - trill
 T   - tap
 TP  - trem. picking
 PM  - palm muting
\n/  - tremolo bar dip; n = amount to dip
 \n  - tremolo bar down
 n/  - tremolo bar up
/n\  - tremolo bar inverted dip
 =   - hold bend; also acts as connecting device for hammers/pulls
 <>  - volume swell (louder/softer)
 x   - on rhythm slash represents muted slash
 o   - on rhythm slash represents single note slash

Misc Legend
 |  - bar
||  - double bar
||o - repeat start
o|| - repeat end
*|  - double bar (ending)
 :  - bar (freetime)
 $  - Segno
 &  - Coda
Tempo markers -  = BPM(8/16=s8/s16), where s8 = swing 8ths, s16 = swing 16ths

* Generated using Power Tab Editor by Brad Larsen - http://powertab.guitarnetwork.org *

@SixStringDealey 11 years ago

maybe i've got too many things happening at once for the midi to handle, or maybe it's something on my end, but unfortunately the Main Melody cuts out here and there when i play it. It is there, though. don't let the midi fool ya! that aside, I hope the tab serves you well. :P

@SixStringDealey 11 years ago

this is what i ended up with after arranging and recording this tune if anyone's curious or interested. it's not quite a perfect recording, but i think it turned out to be pretty cool!

MP3 (8.3 MB)

(edited for recently re-mastered mp3)