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Holding My Thoughts in My Heart

Final Fantasy VII


5.000 avg rating 12 ratings

Tabber: Bhael

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics

Instrument: Guitar

29066 views 12 years ago

                       Holding My Thoughts in My Heart        
                              Final Fantasy VII                 
                                Nobuo Uematsu

Capo on the 1st fret

     ^                               ^                                          
     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  H           E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E   

                            |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|     |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |---3---|  |---3---|  |---3---|  |---3---|   
  E   E   E  E   E   E  E   E   E  E   E   E   

  |---3---|  |---3---|  |---3---|  |---3---|   
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  |--3--|   |--3--|   |--3--|  |--3--|     |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |---3---|  |---3---|  |---3---|  |---3---|   
  E   E   E  E   E   E  E   E   E  E   E   E   

  |---3---|  |---3---|              |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
  E   E   E  E   E   E  H           E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E   

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  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|     |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|     |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|     |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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                      |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
  W                   E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E   

  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|     |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|     |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|  |--3--|   
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  |--3--|  |--3--|                
  E  E  E  E  E  E     H          

@ragsdr 12 years ago

I really like this arrangement. Definitely just became my next challenge.

@Speedfreak 12 years ago

Oh man I've always loved this song! I can't believe you can play this so smoothly dude, there are some serious positions and stretches going on to maintain the melody. Outstanding tab man, really.

@Yoshi 12 years ago

Too bad my hands are too small for some of the stretches :(

@karathrow 12 years ago

this conversation is taking a turn to weirdville.

@Jacob31593 12 years ago

whats goin on in hurr

@StrangeJam 12 years ago

The fuck.

@yashakenkyaku 12 years ago

Sounds like a nice arrangement. ^_^

In regards to Musenji: I think I remember you saying something about playing piano. What's the largest stretch you can make there? (7th, Octave?) I think its a better way to measure your hands.

@The Cake is a Pie 12 years ago

I'm pretty sure my fingering is off by a mile... Had to type all of this with my right hand.

@musenji 11 years ago

Okay so. I finally tried this.

Bhael, I have to say this is a pretty gorgeous arrangement. I absolutely loved the sounds that were coming from the guitar, and the fingering is actually very intuitive to me for the most part--it's just much too painful. After one playthrough my left hand was yelling at me to stop.

I'm going to give it a try on my 606mm guitar when I have the chance. If it is more agreeable on that one, I may just work it up and post!

@thedstring 10 years ago

I'm 6'3" and this is about as far as I can stretch and still hear each note completely cleanly:


I think this is a great way to show a comparison to hand size, everyone go from fret 12 and reach back.

I have to admit though, I wasn't always able to make this stretch, I was a music major for almost 2 years and I've been a guitar teacher for 12 years. I play the hardest songs I know of for classical guitar. Not to toot my own horn, just showing you that with hard work you can get your stretch to be pretty awesome.

People have always said to me "yeah, but your hands are huge!" My wife has said the same thing, but when I hold my hands up to hers to compare palm-to-palm, her palm to tip of fingers length is the same as mine (she's 6 feet tall). I told her the same thing, play a lot, stretch a lot, get your muscles used to doing that and you'll stretch farther than 3 frets.

I've shown her small people that are amazing at guitar, like Andy McKee, I don't know how tall he is, but he seems really short.
