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On the Other Side of the Mountain

Final Fantasy VII


4.900 avg rating 10 ratings

Tabber: TheDoomOfAllFires

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Arrangement

Instrument: Guitar

10485 views 12 years ago

Final Fantasy VII - On the Other Side of the Mountain
Nobuo Uematsu / TheDoomOfAllFires, 04/05/2012
Standard tuning

Hope you like it ! ^^

E ||-4-----2-----0-------|-----------0---------|||-------------0-------|
B ||----0-----0-----0----|--4-----4-----4------|||-2-----4--------0----|
G ||o--------------------|-----4-----------4--o|||o---2-----4----------|
D ||o2-----1-------------|--------------------o|||o--------------------|
A ||-------------4-------|--2------------------|||-0-----2-----4-------|
E ||---------------------|---------------------|||---------------------|








L - tied note
x - dead note
h - hammer on/pull off
b - bend
s - slide
~ - vibrato
g - ghost note
> - accentuated note
t - trill
M - palm mute
. - staccato
P - popping (bass)
S - slapping (bass)
+ - tapping
W - wide vibrato
< - fade in
w - whammy bar
= - tremolo picking
v - brush up
^ - brush down
V - pick stroke up
n - pick stroke down

@kafeaulait 12 years ago

Seems much easier than the one included in the FF guitar solo tab book. I can already play smoothly after 15mins of practice.

Thank you!

@karathrow 12 years ago

Glad to have you back doom :)

@Bhael 12 years ago


@Hakoria 12 years ago

Oh, almost like the one I dled and learned from ug years ago but slightly simpler towards end, nostalgic <:

@Aranel 11 years ago

The one part sounds like Francisco Tarrega's Lagrima. But it is a great tab nonetheless.

@GabrielBocanegra 4 years ago

10/5 Dude you should get on youtube bro. You would blow these other people away!!!

Cmon VG MANIAK!!!!!! Youre so damn good at arrraging.