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One Winged Angel

Final Fantasy VII


4.000 avg rating 3 ratings

Tabber: wayfaerer

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Arrangement, Alternate picking, Sweep picking

Instrument: Guitar

35586 views 13 years ago

Song: One Winged Angel
Game: Final Fantasy VII
Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
Tablature by wayfaerer

Standard Tuning (EADGBe)

This is my metalized version of the song, lots of distortion; well, your comfortable melodeth tone.

|-----|    |-/11p10-/12p11-|    |-----|
|-----|    |---------------|    |-----|
|-----|    |---------------|    |-----|
|--2--| x8 |---------------| x4 |--2--| x20
|--1--|    |---------------|    |--1--|
|--0--|    |---------------|    |--0--|
PM .                            PM .

PM  .      .                                                     . .             . .       .


PM .    .

|-------5-4---9-8-----11-10----15-14-------18-17-------21~~--|  |-----|
|-3---------4-----8-9-------10-------14-15-------17-18-------|  |-----|
|---2-3------------------------------------------------------|  |-----|
|------------------------------------------------------------|  |--2--| x8
|------------------------------------------------------------|  |--1--|
|------------------------------------------------------------|  |--0--|
                                                                PM .
PM . .    . .    . .    . .    . .     . .    . .    . .

                                                 1st ending                  2nd ending     3rd ending
|--------------------------------|    |-------|-5-5-5-3-3-6-6-5--3-6--|    |--------------|------------|
|--------------------------------|    |-------|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--3-3--|    |--------------|------------|
|--2----2-------3------3------3--|    |-2-2---|-2-2-2-0-0-3-3-2--0-3--|    |-2-2-2--------|-2-2-1-2v~~-|
|--3----3-------3------3------3--| x2 |-0-0-3-|-----------------------| x2 |-------5-3v~~-|------------|
|--5-55-5-5-5-5-4--5-5-4--5-5-4--|    |-----5-|-----------------------|    |--------------|------------|
|--------------------------------|    |-------|-----------------------|    |--------------|------------|
PM   ..   . . .    . .    . .                   . . . . . . . .  . .         . . . .        . . . 

PM          .   .   .   .             .   .   .   .

                                               1st ending                 2nd ending
|--------------------------------|    |-------|---8---7---5---3---1----|-10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--|
|--------------------------------|    |-------|---6---6---6---5---3----|-----10~~~~~~~~~~--|
|--2----2-------3------3------3--|    |-2-2---|------------------------|---------10~~~~~~--|
|--3----3-------3------3------3--| x2 |-0-0-3-|-0---0---0---0---0------|-------------12~~--|
|--5-55-5-5-5-5-4--5-5-4--5-5-4--|    |-----5-|------------------------|-------------------|
|--------------------------------|    |-------|------------------------|-------------------|
PM   ..   . . .    . .    . .                   .   .   .   .   .


PM  .  .  .  .  .     .  .  .  .     .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     .  .  .  .     .  .  .  .  .  .  .

PM     . .                . .

PM                                             . . . . . . . . . . . . 


PM . . . . . . .  . . . . . . .




NOTE: it is entirely possible to play this on 2 guitars with what is
tabbed right here, just listen to the song and you can figure it out.
happy game-riffin'!!

PS Refer to song for timing and order of riffs played.


/  - Slide Up
\  - Slide Down
// - Carried Slide Up
\\ - Carried Slide Down
h  - Hammer-On
p  - Pull-Off
^  - Sweep/Rake
PM - Palm Mute
~~ - Tied Note

() - Notes in parentheses are optional

@wayfaerer 13 years ago

if the 5th measure thingy feels uncomfortable, that fret-walk section, try this instead:

Fret Walk Variation

edit: that link aint workin, so anyone who gives a damn is shit outta luck.

@wayfaerer 13 years ago

jesus christ, ya really coulda left a comment for a 3 star rating.

if it was 5 stars, fine and dandy. the necessity of saying "awesome tab man blahblahblah" is a little dumb i guess, but offering feedback is somewhat considerate and not uncalled for if you feel something si wrong or missing. how would i know to fix it or improve my tab?


@wayfaerer 13 years ago


i didnt WANT to grump anyone into changing their opinion, i just wanted whoever it was to speak said opinion.

ah well, dont matter that much i guess, but itd have been nice to attain some feedback.

@megaman04 13 years ago

This would be so great!

A friend of mine and I really want to do metal covers to all our favorite game BGMs. This definitely in the Top 3 we gotta do.

Idk, i just feel really comfortable with a GP5 file! That way I can here it while I learn it also!


Don't ask me to even try xD I can't function sharps or flats or 16th/32nd/64th notes Sweet jesus!

I wish all of guitartabs.net had .GP5 available for download!