4.667 avg rating 3 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Nobuo Uematsu
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
11931 views 17 years ago
Requiem Final Fantasy VII Composed by Nobuo Uematsu 8/19/06 e------------------------------------0-4-7-10 B----------0-----0-1-----1-3-----0-3--------- G--2-----2-----0-------2-------1------------- D------2-----0-------3-------2--------------- A----3--------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------- e--8-5-1-0-----7-5-3-0-2-3-6---5-3-1-------0-------- B----------4-----------------------------------0---1 G------------------------------------2-1-2---------- D--------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------
@Moon 17 years ago
I remember this kinda, what part of the game is it in again? By the way, the song at the title screen, whats that called?
@archard 17 years ago
This is the song that plays when you die. The songs from the title screen is the Prelude. 17 years ago
i looooooove this tune.i think you shoud put a quik harmonic on the 12 just after the 10 to give an added affect and on the last note you should take the chord of c and clowly drag you pic or finger or what ever you use to the 1 on the b string.ithink this sounds quit nice this way
@Divine Metaphysics 16 years ago
Good tab, Although you could play that middle part easier:
e|--0---7-10---8-5-----------7-5-------------6-| B|----9---------------6-5-4---------8-5-7-8---|
don't have to stretch or move hand so much. :D
@meloshe 15 years ago
hmm ive beat ff7 over 10 times and ive never heard this tune once..maybe i should stop being so freakin awesome at it. its still pretty good though
@greyfox13 15 years ago
meloshe u r full of crap its impossible repeat impossible to beat this game without dying over and over!
@TrangOul 15 years ago
Replying to:
@greyfox13 meloshe u r full of crap its impossible repeat impossible to beat this game without dying over and o...
Honestly, Final Fantasy VII IS ridiculously easy.
@MaxStone28 15 years ago
The main story is very easy, but it think to find all that is hidden and optional in this game is one of the more... involved plays.
@ola3 13 years ago
beat emerald without underwater materia and ruby with solo yuffie
@Zenoandthewhale 13 years ago
This song leads into lonlonjp's version of prelude perfectly! Thankfully I had that one memorised before they all got taken down.