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Temple of the Ancients

Final Fantasy VII


4.667 avg rating 3 ratings

Tabber: musenji

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Transcription, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

11507 views 15 years ago

Final Fantasy VII
Temple of the Ancients
composed by Nobuo Uematsu
tabbed by musenji, 2006

I'm submitting this mostly because I think this way of organizing
the accompaniment tab makes it easier to handle.  There is also
a slight change at the end.

Learn each labelled section, then play them according to the list
below (grouped in fours for convenience).

A A B B  B B A A  B B B B  B B B B  C D D C  E E E E

 A:                                  B:

 C:                                  D:


Note: For the first "E", do not play the note with the arrow.

Play along with the game music, or find yourself some collaborators!