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Besaid Island

Final Fantasy X

PlayStation 2

4.800 avg rating 20 ratings

Tabber: Kabukibear

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics

Instrument: Guitar

52949 views 17 years ago

Besaid Island
~Final Fantasy X~
Composed By: Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano
Arranged By: Justin Lincoln


The tuning in this piece is a little weird, so let me explain
the way I tune it. I tune the 6th string to a D and match it up
with the 4th string. Then I tune the 5th string to a G and match
it up with the 3rd string. At this point you should be able to
play strings 3 and 5 and they should be the same note (G) an
octave apart, and strings 4 and 6 should be the same note (D) an
octave apart. Finally, tune the 3rd string up to an A and match
it up to the 1st string, 5th fret. That should do it, hope that
helps. Good luck!

        NH              NH         NH                     NH
        H.              Q          W                      W

     NH                  ^                    ^
     W                   H.           Q       W

  ^                    ^         ^            ^
  H.           Q       Q    Q    Q    Q       H.           Q

  ^                     ^                    ^         ^
  H        Q    Q       H.           Q       Q    Q    Q    Q

  ^                     ^                   ^
  H        Q    Q       W                   H        Q    Q

  ^         ^            ^                     ^
  Q    Q    Q    Q       H        Q    Q       H.           Q

  ^                     ^             ^                      NH      NH
  H        Q    Q       H        Q    Q       Q      Q       Q       Q

     NH       ^            ^                     ^             ^
     H        Q    Q       H        Q    Q       H        Q    Q

Rall.----------------------------------------,  bpm=160
                    ^            ^
  E  E  E  E  E  E  Q       Q    H.                Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E       Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E

  Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E   E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E

  Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E

    Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E

  Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E

                                                     1st Ending---------------
  Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

----------------------------,   2nd. Ending-------------
  E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E       Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

---------------------------, Segno
  E  E  E  E  E   E  E  E       Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E

                                                     1st Ending-------------
  Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

--------------------------,    2nd Ending-------------
  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E       Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E      E  E   E   E   E  E   E  E

                                        Da Coda
  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  E  E  E  E       Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

  E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

                             1st Ending-------------
  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

----------------------------,    2nd. Ending------------
  E  E  E  E  E   E  E   E       Q    E  E  E  E  E  E

 -----------   D.S. al Coda    ^                    ^
  E  E  E  E  E   E  E  E      H.           Q       W

  ^                    ^         ^            ^
  H.           Q       Q    Q    Q    Q       H.           Q

  ^                     ^                    ^         ^
  H        Q    Q       H.           Q       Q    Q    Q    Q


Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

Tablature Legend
L - tied note
g - grace note
NH - natural harmonic
h - hammer on
p - pull off
S - shift slide
s - legato slide
^ - brush up
Rall. - Gradually get slower until next tempo change
D.S. al Coda - Go to section marked Segno and play until you reach Da Coda
Da Coda - Go to section marked *Coda* and play to the end

@nozzie 17 years ago

First post on a legendary song omg i love it! i love this song so much

@Kabukibear 17 years ago

thanks. I just changed the ending somewhat so it has more of a cohesive feeling to it, so when that gets posted it'll probably be more fun to play.

@Kabukibear 17 years ago

ah, that's better. I prefer the ending on this one. glad you like it.

@jz7878 17 years ago

I need help on the tuning. I don't understand how this songs supposed to be tuned

@Kabukibear 17 years ago

Here's how I tune it. Tune down the 6th string (E) to be an octave below the 4th string (D). Next, tune down the 5th string (A) to be an octave below the 3rd string (G). In both of those you are tuning down the string a step. Lastly, tune the 3rd string you just used to tune the 5th string by playing the second fret of the 5th string to make a low A, and tune the 3rd string to be in tune with it.

Hopefully, that helps. Good luck.:)

@jz7878 17 years ago

Wow thnx much. I think this song is a bit beyond what I am capable of but still I'd like to try it.

@jz7878 17 years ago

BTW can you give me some tips on finger picking? I'm not used to playing without a pick, and most of your tabs require finger picking on some sorts.

@imalright5 17 years ago

lol still dont understand the tuning :P ah well ... the way you play it is legendary ^^ can you play this on an electric guitar cos i never learned the acoustic... thx

@Kabukibear 17 years ago

No, well you might be able to play it on electric, I wouldn't know, I don't play electric. Also, I've just uploaded a sound file you can tune with.

@imalright5 17 years ago

awesome thx .. helped alot :D

@Anonymous 17 years ago

took a while to get the hang of it, but great song... thanks!

@CHICKENWING241 16 years ago

hey kabukibear I have a question how do you know if it is precisely one octave below or not?

@andrew 16 years ago

I may not be Justin (kabuki), but I know enough about music theory to answer your question. k... class is in session

All musical noise is vibrations in the air. What distinguishes the notes apart are how quickly the waves of the vibration oscillate, or if you could draw the wave on a piece of paper.. it is the distance between the peaks of the wave measured in time. Loosely put, this is the hertz.. which is the number of oscillations per second. ie: frequency.

Lets take the note A for an example: Most commonly you'll find A to be at 440 hertz. But A can also be 880 hertz or 220 hertz. Notice the pattern?

220, 440, 880.

2202 = 440 4402 = 880

So when the oscillations are twice or half as frequent, it is the same note... but a different octave.

Now, how does this apply to guitars?

Each string has a range of roughly an octave and a half, depending on the quality of the guitar.. Lets look at our #1 and #6 strings, in standard tuning.

#6 (the big one) is tuned to E at 82.4 Hz #1 is tuned to E at 329.6 Hz

Now, 82.4*2 = 164.8.. so we are missing an octave between the high and low E strings. And now I'll tell you how to get it!

What determines the note a string will make when it is plucked depends upon: string tension, string guage, aannndd... string length! Now back to that theory.. When you reduce the length of a string by 1/2, the frequency gets doubled.

And it just so happens that the 12th fret of a guitar is positioned so that it is right on the halfway point.

Therefore: if you play #6 open, #6 @ 12th fret, then #1 open... you'll get all three of the E octaves! And if you're feeling really adventerous, you can pluck #1 @ 12th for four octaves of E.

Now, I'm sure you know how to goto drop D tuning. Do that, and pluck #6 at 12th fret and then #4... and they should be the same note. Sooo.. thats how you can tell if they are one octave apart - if they are the same note when you check em at the 12th fret.

Another cool thing to note for later, I do believe the 7th fret cuts the string at a 1/3... and the 5th fret cuts it at a 1/4. Useful for when you get into harmonics!

Well, now you know.. and now you should know a bit of why too! (Very important top know a touch of theory)

@andrew 16 years ago

Oh yah! Great tab, love it

@Shurien 16 years ago

Hi there!!! I have a question....what do the H Q W E on top of the tabs mean?? Sorry but I'm used to read scores and not tabs..... This song is awesome!!! Really.... Thanks a bunch!!

@Shurien 16 years ago

I started to play this song thinking I would never be able to do it right.... But after a lot of practice I'm getting there!!! I'm having some problems with this part though


@superdoughboy4 15 years ago

If you guys didn't see/don't see, I recorded myself playing this. Great tab by the way, Kabuki. I absolutely loved it when I first saw it, and I still love it.

@michi2002k2 15 years ago

omg!! this song allready destroyed me 2 pair of strings! Tuning up the 3. one to A (from G) is pain in the ass. I do it as slowly as i can, but my western guitar just seem to be not possible to do this! ... sometimes its possible, to tune it up to the A and the next day the string brakes... its a pitty :( (and im surely not tuning it up more then the A.... but the tension is just too much for the strings.. i tried two different...)

@Frosty1089 12 years ago

Amazing tab Kabukibear

@musenji 11 years ago

Oh what in god's name.

@WhyCan'tILogIn 3 years ago

Even 14 years later this is still the best besaid island :)