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Spira Unplugged

Final Fantasy X

PlayStation 2

4.600 avg rating 10 ratings

Tabber: TheDoomOfAllFires

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano

Style: Transcription, Fingerstyle, Alternate picking, Natural harmonics, Percussion

Instrument: Guitar

32017 views 10 years ago

"Sight of Spira / Spira Unplugged" - Final Fantasy X HD REMASTER
Composers : Nobuo Uematsu, Junya Nakano, Masashi Hamauzu
Transcription : TheDoomOfAllFires
Tuning : Drop D DADGBE
BPM : 111
Capo on 5th fret

E |--------------5-----------------3-----------3-------|
B |--------------5-----------------3-----------1-------|
G |--2-----------2-----------------4-----------0-------|
D |--------------------2-----0-------------------------|
A |--0-----------------------------------2-----3L------|
D |--------------------------5-------------------------|










































L - tied note
x - dead note
h - hammer on/pull off
b - bend
s - slide
~ - vibrato
g - ghost note
> - accentuated note
t - trill
M - palm mute
. - staccato
P - popping (bass)
S - slapping (bass)
+ - tapping
W - wide vibrato
< - fade in
w - whammy bar
= - tremolo picking
v - brush up
^ - brush down
V - pick stroke up
n - pick stroke down
<> - natural harmonics

@thedstring 10 years ago

This is pretty awesome =)

@TheDoomOfAllFires 10 years ago

Thanks ^^

@bboypanda 10 years ago

Really awesome tab but there's a problem with the PDF version. Pages 2 and 3 are really hard to read because it is too condensed.

@TheDoomOfAllFires 10 years ago

Yup, I noticed that. I just re-uploaded the whole thing, everything is fine now. Have fun playing this song ! :P

@bboypanda 10 years ago

Yes :D now I can rate 5 stars haha

@TheDoomOfAllFires 10 years ago

Thanks ^^

@musenji 10 years ago

Tab should really be edited by hand so that measures are smaller/the same size...