PlayStation 2
4.600 avg rating 30 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano
Style: Transcription
610165 views 18 years ago
To Zanarkand Final Fantasy X Composed by Nobuo Uematsu 7/22/06 Intro e--0-------0-2-3--------------------0-2 B--------0----------------3-------3---- G------0------------------------2------ D----2----------------------0-3-------- A-------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------- e--7-7-7-7-5---10-3----------0-0-0-0-----3-- B------------------------------------3-----1 G------------------------------------------- D------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------- Main Theme e--0-----0-2-3-2-0-----0--------------0-----0-2-3-2-3-5-3-5-7 B------0-----------3-----3-0--------------0------------------ G------------------------------------------------------------ D------------------------------------------------------------ A------------------------------------------------------------ E------------------------------------------------------------ e--0-----0-2-3-2-0-----0-------------------------------------------- B------0-----------3-----3-0--------------0-0-0-0-----3------------- G-------------------------------------0-2---------2------0---0------ D--------------------------------------------------------------4-0-2 A------------------------------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------------------------------- e------0-0---------3-3----------7---14-14----------5---12-12-11 B----------3-1-0----------------------------------------------- G--2----------------------------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------------------------- e------2-2-0-------5-5----------4-0-------2------------ B--0---------3-2--------------------2-0---------------0 G-------------------------------------------2-------2-- D-------------------------------------------------4---- A------------------------------------------------------ E------------------------------------------------------
@Mirosuke 17 years ago
@flamingdonut141 17 years ago
Archard, you are my favorite tabber.
@pianodude 17 years ago
i dont get that one i play piano and it sounds sorta like it but in the first line or 2 there are 2 mistakes. and u switched the octaves. its good though besides that.
@mike 17 years ago
dam i always to play this... knoe i can.
@Darkravenx 17 years ago
Awesome, a tab I can actually play. ^_^
@hamypig 17 years ago
is the most beautiful bit!
@joseph 17 years ago
If you ask me. The Intro would sound better like this.
@socrates 17 years ago
@pianodude: yes, it has to be like this:
@Iuri 17 years ago
great tab, btw. ^^''
edit: oh, now i saw socrates has put the note too.. XD sry for double posting, then. =p
@ArmoredGuns 17 years ago
@Guitbox! 17 years ago
ArmouredGuns I agree. Nice Tab By The Way! Pretty Easy To FOllow!
@Guitbox! 17 years ago
For The Second Line I Like This
@Guitbox! 17 years ago
thats messed....
@archard 17 years ago
I fixed it, don't forget code tags.
@Guitbox! 17 years ago
@Akagi 17 years ago
That was so awesome! Thank you so much. I can play it. And it sounds good!
@Lijiah 17 years ago
Dude, you effin' rock. this is the coolest tab ever and it pisses off my stepbro that i can play it and he can't lol.
@jamestheturk 17 years ago
this is nice too.
@Jtother777 15 years ago
Replying to:
@jamestheturk e--7-7-7-7-5---10------------0-0-0-0-----3-- B--5-5-5-5-5------8------------------3-----1 G---------...
but he is right too, the 8th fret on the second (in tune) is the same note as the 3rd fret on the first string, you are both right, but yours is a little easier then his
@Vincent Valentine 17 years ago
Awesome tab, i love playing it clean but i didn't know it could be so good distorted as well:) but overall awesome tab and thank you so much
@Individual Twelve 17 years ago
Awesome tab! But you missed a note.
e--0-----0-2-3-2-0-----0--------------0-----0-2-3-2-3-5-3-5-0-7 B------0-----------3-----3-0--------------0-------------------- G-------------------------------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------
Sounds better now.
@gsvengador 14 years ago
Replying to:
@Individual Twelve Awesome tab! But you missed a note. e--0-----0-2-3-2-0-----0--------------0-----0-2-3-2-3-5-3-5-0-7...
See it sounds like they missed a note but if you slide your finger from ---5-7- thats is passing through the 6th one, you get the missing note and it sounds good. more to the point it is easier that way.
@gosroth 17 years ago
dam archard you are good. this sounds great. but i have a questions how come some names are blue and the rest are grey?
@Archlvt 17 years ago
It seems to me that the grey names represent people who are just using nicknames, like us, while the blue names (which are actually links) are registered users. If you register an account you'll get a blue name.
@Akira 17 years ago
NICE O , thank you ~!! ^_^
@Squall Leonhart 17 years ago
yeah it would be awsome if i could read music
@chloe 17 years ago
This is such a beautiful song :) Thanks for this and all of the tabs you've submitted... your work is greatly appreciated! :)
@One Winged Angel 17 years ago
simply amazing. your work is outstanding.
@RPGmastar 17 years ago
Pure Awesome. I've been wanting to play this song since I first played FFX (Which wasn't as good as VII)
@Cb 17 years ago
I love it! i just started with guitar a few months ago and love to play it and with this song which is easy to learn and fun to play I even love guitar more than before! Thank you Archard!!!!
@McG 17 years ago
i'd have to agree with armoredguns
@stile larson 17 years ago
fuckin awsome tab
@2lk 16 years ago
Lovely. :)
@Caine 16 years ago
dude it sounds good the way it is! ^^ no need to edit it and doood its such a good song.. im learning it for my girlfriend ^^ it takes a while to learn by heart but im working on it! ^^^^
@Ankalagon 16 years ago
Thank you!
@anotherfanboy 16 years ago
that.................... is just amazing
@justice enforcer 16 years ago
Perfect once again archard!
@krug 16 years ago
awesome tab
@Rayha 16 years ago
one of my all time favourites :) thanks for this easy tab :D
@Suki 16 years ago
Awesome-- one of my most favorite songs to play. Great Job =D
@Zeig Elric 16 years ago
Dude, AWESOME JOB BUUUUT I noticed that on the intro in the:
Using 2 instead of 3 sounds more like the song and sample (which are the same but w/e) like so:
when u play it alone it sounds OK with the 3, but when u play it with the song it sounds more like using a two, open the sample and try it uself and see what I mean!!!
@t-o-m-o 16 years ago
this is a good tab .../// if you've only been playing for about 2 weeks
It is DEFINATLY not a 5 star and that is FACT, no disrespect to Archard.
If you are a good serious guitar player, then i advise you to learn Stamen47's version as it is much better and more advanced.
@t-o-m-o 16 years ago
Replying to:
@t-o-m-o this is a good tab .../// if you've only been playing for about 2 weeks It is DEFINATLY not a 5 sta...
a 2 star tab
if stamens47's is 5 star then this is 2-3 star
@Suki 15 years ago
Really good for new players o.o
@elayne42 15 years ago
i edited this tab to produce something i think sounds nicer and is more like the original, based on the piano score. I'm new to both piano and guitar, so the tab probably wont be great, but i'll just post it for those who might want it.
e--0-------0-2-3--------------------0-2 B--------0----------------3-------3---- G------0------------------------2------ D----2----------------------0-4-------- A-------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------
e----------------------------0-0-0-0-----3-- B--0-0-0-0-----3---------------------3-----1 G----------2-------------------------------- D-----------------4------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------
Main Theme
e--0-----0-2-3-2-0-----0--------------0-----0-2-3-2-3-5-3-5-7 B------0-----------3-----3-0--------------0------------------ G------------------------------------------------------------ D------------------------------------------------------------ A------------------------------------------------------------ E------------------------------------------------------------
e--0-----0-2-3-2-0-----0-------------------------------------------- B------0-----------3-----3-1-0------------0-0-0-0-----3------------- G-------------------------------------0-2---------2------0---0------ D--------------------------------------------------------------4-0-2 A------------------------------------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------------------------------
e-----------0-----------0--3--5----12-12-10-8-7--15-15---7-14-14 B--------1-----------1----------------------------------------- G-----0-----------0-------------------------------------------- D--2-----------2----------------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------
e--5—12-12-11------2-2-0------5-5---4-0------2------------------ B----------------0-------3-2------------2-0----------0---------- G----------------------------------------------2---2------------ D------------------------------------------------4-------------- A--------------------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------------------
i think the spacing might be messed up due to differences in line length due to this script, but using lucinda console on microsoft word, it should go back to normal.
@Vasioth 14 years ago
Here, this intro sounds much better then the one's already up.
e--0-------0-2-3--------------------0-2 B--------0----------------3-------3---- G------0------------------------2------ D----2----------------------0-4-------0 A--------------3----------------------- E--------------------------------------
This song is screaming for a lot of Finger Picking and more variation. I'm going to tab a much better version of this for you guy's soon along with "A Place to Call Home/That Place I'll Return to Someday" from FF9.
@pedroZ 14 years ago
e--0-------0-2-3--------------------0-2 B--------0----------------3-------3---- G------0------------------------2------ D----2----------------------0-3-------- A-------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------
e--7-7-7-7-5---10-3----------0-0-0-0-----3-- B------------------------------------3-----1 G------------------------------------------- D------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------
Intro fix it
e||-----------------------------------0-2-| B||--5-------5-7-8----------3-------3-----| G||--------4----------------------2-------| D||------5----------------------3---------| A||----7----------------------5-----------| E||---------------------------------------|
e|--7-7-7-7-5---10------------------------3---| B|-----------------8----------5-5-5-5-3-------| G|------------------------------------------5-| D|--------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------|
I find it easier this way....ñ_ñ
@Cry_Havoc 14 years ago
Archard, I find you're tabs the best on here. I have been playing this one for a couple of weeks now and have tried all the variations that these guys have put on. Bassically, they suck and you rock. There were minor things like adding the 4 in the intro that I liked but.. other then that nothing.
@TrangOul 14 years ago
Replying to:
@Cry_Havoc Archard, I find you're tabs the best on here. I have been playing this one for a couple of weeks now...
In what way does stamen's version suck?
@Cry_Havoc 14 years ago
I just wish I had the version with more notes. Blitzwater.
@surreal 14 years ago
I'm 12 and this is the best tab ever.
@auriplane 14 years ago
Replying to:
@surreal I'm 12 and this is the best tab ever.
Next year, we can call you Bakers.
@dontango13 13 years ago
This is the best song to play in times when i'm lonely thx man!!
@dEvicE_No.40 10 years ago
It would be better if it had more notes... Like this-
E|-0-------------0--2--3-----------------------0--2--- B|------------0---------------3-------------3------------ G|---------0-----------------------------2--------------- D|------2--------------------------0--4---------------- A|------------------------------------------------------- E|-------------------------------------------------------
E|-7--7--7--7--5----10--3------0--0--0--0-----3----- B|--------------------------------------------------3-----1 G|---------------------------------------------------------- D|---------------------------------------------------------- A|---------------------------------------------------------- E|----------------------------------------------------------
E|-0-------0--2--3--2--0-------0---------------0---------0--2--3--2--3--5----3--5--7 B|------0----------------------3-------3-----0-----------0--------------------3-----------5 G|------------------------------2-------------0----------------------------------------------- D|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A|-2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E|-0------------------------------------------------0-----------------------------------------
E|-0-------0--2--3--2--0------0---------------------------------------------------------------------0- B|------0----------------------3------3--1--0------------0--0--0--0------3------------------------0- G|------------------------------2-------------0------0--2---------------2---------0----0------------0- D|---------------------------------------------2-------------------------------------------------4--0--2- A|-2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- E|-0-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0-
What do you think? Has it been improved? (didn't include the last two bars)