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To Zanarkand

Final Fantasy X

PlayStation 2

4.667 avg rating 6 ratings

Tabber: yamsa

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

67107 views 15 years ago

To Zanarkand
Final Fantasy X
Nobuo Uematsu

This tab is based of how I heard the song in my mind, so there might be a lot of mistakes, especially 
the bass notes.  But I would say it's more my own version than a direct transcription of the original.
There are some minor tempo-problems some places in the MIDI, but that's something you just have to 
deal with. I find it fun to play, and I hope that I'm not the only one x)






@MaxStone28 15 years ago

Its definatley an easier to learn version with a few minor mistakes here and there,(sorry im not good enough to point them out for you) But all in all it's not a bad version.

@MaxStone28 15 years ago

After going thorugh the other tabs, although Stamen is prolley the most accurate i think it is a little more difficult than need be, so i will now say this is my favorite.

@Ranulf 15 years ago

Dude Stamen's may be more accurate, but its way too hard, so yeah i like this one much better

@musenji 10 years ago

This is kinda like the IBC Root Beer of Zanarkand tabs. It gets the job done, and it's readily available to most.