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Final Fantasy


4.550 avg rating 20 ratings

Tabber: Calebelijah

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Style: Transcription, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

299078 views 17 years ago

                                   FF theme                                     

Track 1








@goldblade0 17 years ago

Hey Richard took long enough to add it as a tab. It's been in CalebElijah's tabber page for months and I didnt see it as a tab at all. I was woundering if I should tell you or wait a month or 2 to tell

@Anonymous 17 years ago

how long would it take to learn this for an ametuer?

@Nicky 17 years ago

Ummm yea how long would it take to learn this song for an amtuer

@Anonymous 17 years ago

will most likely destroy your soul

@Zydare 17 years ago

It's a pretty easy song. I've been trying maybe... two times... I have the first 3 lines down xD

@intrepid 17 years ago

could use it as a warmup, tnx ^^

@Dave 17 years ago

I think the song isn't hard qua tabs, it takes skill to play it very fluidly... thanks for uploading youre awesome, im just playing this with 10bpm :P

@Art 16 years ago

Beautiful!!!! Thank you

@iusedpreludetomakemyownsong 16 years ago

Thanks loads, and i've been playing guitar for say, 2 years, and learning this tab was easy, jst need to learn it off by heart

@snipes 16 years ago

Hey, awesome tabs man. I got a classical guitar about a month ago and have been teaching myself how to play it, and I can somewhat play this, although really slowly heh. I just can't get the transition right in the second part of the song, going from the 5-7 fret and 3-5 fret on the 1st and 6th strings, watched your video too and still cant pull it off, any tips?

@OpenKore 16 years ago

Thanks. Works great as a warmup. :P

@yomanation 14 years ago

It's definitely not too easy, unless you accept mediocrity as 'fine'.

@diralark 13 years ago

u can play it like that also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkmLl4Gsf6c

@GMavak 13 years ago

Man this song brings back memories made my cry thank you for tabbing this. It is also not too hard only to play in on the original speed is hard. Thank you

@Swag Sea 9 years ago

Good tab.