PlayStation 3
4.800 avg rating 5 ratings
Tabber: mokshaingive
Composer: Vincent Diamante
Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle
Instrument: Guitar
21911 views 16 years ago
System: PS3 Game: Flower Song: Title theme Composed by Vincent Diamante Arranged for guitar by Michael Musclow Key: H - Hammer-on P - Pull-off Tuning: 1 - F 4 - Eb (or capo on first fret 2 - C 5 - Bb in standard tuning) 3 - Ab 6 - F BPM - 70 H F :-----------------|-----------------|-2-----02------H-|-0-------------5| C :-----2---0-------|-----2---0-------|-----2---0-----02|-----2-------3--| Ab:---2-------------|---2-------------|---2-------------|---2------------| Eb:-0-------0-------|-0-------0-------|-0-------0-------|-0-------4------| Bb:-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|---------2------| F :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------| P H F :-----322-------H-|-----2---2---0---|-----2-02------H-|-0-------------5| C :-------------2-02|-3-0-------------|-----2---0-----23|-----------0-3--| Ab:---0-0-----2-2---|-0---------------|---2-------------|---0-2----------| Eb:-2-------4-------|-----------------|-0-------0-------|---------4------| Bb:-----------------|---------0-------|-----------------|-4-------2------| F :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------| P F :-----322-------H-|-----2---2---0---|-0---------------|----------------| C :-------------2-02|-3-0-------------|-----2---0-------|-----2---0------| Ab:---0-0-----2-2---|-0---------------|---2-------------|---2------------| Eb:-2-------4-------|-----------------|-0-------0-------|-0-------0------| Bb:-----------------|---------0-------|-----------------|----------------| F :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------| Repeat as desired. Tab written March 2nd 2009.
@surreal 16 years ago
Love the song for the game.
Nice job tabbing it.
@mokshaingive 16 years ago
Replying to:
@surreal Love the song for the game. Nice job tabbing it.
Thanks! yeah the soundtrack is great. I look forward to purchasing it when it becomes available.
@Motoko Kusanagi 15 years ago
when your hammering on the 3rd 2 on the F string change that to 3rd fret on the C string man try it
@SwiftHikari1764 14 years ago
This song is bittersweet...the tune is soft, and it's amazing. However, my friend died shortly after playing the I thank you for the tabs. The song has been a tribute to his memory.
@MisterSage 7 years ago
One thing that bothers me is the 322 on the hi F string. I feel like instead of F :---------322- C :------------- Ab:---0-0------- Eb:-2----------- Bb:------------- F :------------- It should be F :---------32-- C :------------3- Ab:---0-0------- Eb:-2----------- Bb:------------- F :-------------
Just a suggestion!I know this tab is almost 10 years old, but I thought, I'd put a recommendation. (BTW, I played this with standard tuning with a capo on 1.)