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Brothers Theme

Fullmetal Alchemist


4.857 avg rating 7 ratings

Tabber: archard

Composer: Michiru Oshima

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

56612 views 17 years ago

e --13--12--13--12--10---------------------------
b -------------------------13--10--------13--10--
g ----------------------------------12-----------
d -----------------------------------------------
a -----------------------------------------------
e -----------------------------------------------

e ----------------------------------------------
b -------------------8--10----------------------
g --7--10--9--10--------------10--9--7----------
d ----------------------------------------------
a ----------------------------------------------
e ----------------------------------------------

e -------------------------8---------------
b --------------------8---------10--8--10--
d --7--10--9--10---------------------------
g -----------------------------------------
a -----------------------------------------
e -----------------------------------------

e -----------------------------------------------------------------------
b ------------------8--10------------------------------------------------
g --7--10--9--10--------------10--9--7---7---------------7--9--10--9--7--
d ---------------------------------------------10--10--------------------
a -----------------------------------------------------------------------
e -----------------------------------------------------------------------

e --------------------------8--------------------------------------------
b --10--8--10--8-------10--------8-----10--8--10--8----------------------
g -----------------7------------------------------------7--9--10--12--9--
d -----------------------------------------------------------------------
a -----------------------------------------------------------------------
e -----------------------------------------------------------------------

e ---------------------------8----------------------------------
b --10--8--10--8-------10----------8------10--8--10--12--8--10--
g -----------------7--------------------------------------------
d --------------------------------------------------------------
a --------------------------------------------------------------
e --------------------------------------------------------------

e --------10---10--10--8-------------------10--12--10--8----------
b --10----------------------8--10---10---------------------8--10--
g ----------------------------------------------------------------
d ----------------------------------------------------------------
a ----------------------------------------------------------------
e ----------------------------------------------------------------

e ---------------------------
b --10--8--10--8-------------
g -----------------10--9--7--
d ---------------------------
a ---------------------------                          X2
e ---------------------------

e --17--19--17--15--13--15--17--12--10--17--19--17--15--17--
b ----------------------------------------------------------
g ----------------------------------------------------------
d ----------------------------------------------------------
a ----------------------------------------------------------
e ----------------------------------------------------------

e --25--24--22--24--20--17---20--22--25--24--25--27--24--22--
b -----------------------------------------------------------
g -----------------------------------------------------------
d -----------------------------------------------------------
a -----------------------------------------------------------
e -----------------------------------------------------------

@goldblade0 17 years ago

I cant even finish the song. stupid only having 20 frets

@archard 17 years ago

I know man, I don't think many guitars go up to 27 frets o_0

@Kieys 17 years ago

mone does :P:P

@Megx 17 years ago

I totally have 27 frets...and an automail arm. Biznatches.

@tdp88 17 years ago

The lowest fret I see there is a seven, so would it not be possible to retune your guitar so that open strings sound like the seventh fret in standard tuning? Not plausible/possible?

I'm new, as if you couldn't tell.

@zanq 17 years ago

um... you can try that but I don't think the strings will like it...

@Edward 17 years ago

if anyone is weird enough to be wondering this the composer is Michiru Oshima and its performed by the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir so yeah....

@Ju4n 17 years ago

i cant get the last part.. when i bough my guitar i tough 24 frets were ok o.o

@MostUncleanOne 17 years ago

Because it's not done on guitar you morons!!! It's transcribed from piano notes to guitar notes. Although the piano has the same notes as a guitar, They're both played entirely different. And Piano has so much more keys. But so far since I began learning about guitars, never have I seen or heard of a guitar with '27' frets That's what both-way whammy bar's are for (Dimebag Darrel's signature guitar). Do any of you know how hard it would acutally be to play notes that are that high anyway? The fret size would shrink so much. And Violen's can play higher notes than guitars. It's the violen that plays the so called-27th note in this tab. But I agree totally with OctaveTenor. Let's get a music book and start to read some real music. Sevy?

@Andrew02111 17 years ago

OMG 27 frets???

I only have 24 -_-

@Anonymous 17 years ago

N Ive 21

@Mauro 17 years ago

You can either use a pitch shifter (and play on the lower octave) on a effects processor or bend the note on a 24-fret guitar (to get those 2 notes), though that would obviously do no good to the e string.

@James E 17 years ago

i have an old guitar am i'm lazy to get a new one, i have 20 frets 0.o

@fanthir 16 years ago

I had a 22 fret guitar but yesterday it exploded... so now i have one with 20 frets until i have another 800$ T_T

@The Guitarist 16 years ago

22 Frets FTW!

@eevon909 16 years ago

haha i have a 22 fret purple electric, im hell of a beginner at guitar though, so i kinda suck

w/e though i can lay like 40% of the songs on here

@Otakutabber 15 years ago

lolz! 22 frets!

@spL1tp3r50naL1ty 14 years ago

I love this song, but I'm wondering if anyone knows what the background arpeggios are?

This is only the melody :(

@strikexero 14 years ago

Ibanez makes a guitar with 27 frets. but yea they should have tabbed it out 3 to 4 octaves lower so it would be completely playable on guitar but either way now we know what to play