4.333 avg rating 9 ratings
Tabber: nozzie
Composer: Michael Salvatori, Martin ODonnel
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
180109 views 17 years ago
Track 1 Q. E. E. E E E. E. E Q Q H Q E E E||-----------------------|-----------------------|----------------------| B||-----------------------|-----------------------|----------------2--L--| G||-----------------------|--2--------------------|-----------4----------| D||--2------4---5---4--L--|------5---4--L----2----|--L-------------------| A||-----------------------|-----------------------|----------------------| E||-----------------------|-----------------------|----------------------| H Q Q Q H Q Q Q Q Q ---------------------|---------------------|----------------------| --3--------2---------|--2------------------|----------------------| ----------------2----|-------4--------L----|-----------------0----| ---------------------|---------------------|-------0----2---------| ---------------------|---------------------|--2-------------------| ---------------------|---------------------|----------------------| Q Q. Q E Q Q Q Q Q H. ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------| ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------| --2-------------------|--0-------------------|--------------------| -------4------2----L--|-------4----2----4----|--0----2------------| ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------| ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------| |--3--| |--3--| W E E E H. E E E H. -------------------||-------------------------|------------------------| -------------------||-------------------------|------------------------| -------------------||*------------------------|------------------------| --L----------------||*------------------------|------------------------| -------------------||------------7------------|-----------9------------| -------------------||---0--0--0---------------|--0--0--0---------------| |--3--| |--3--| E E E H. E E E H. -------------------------|-------------------------| -------------------------|-------------------------| -------------------------|-------------------------| -------------------------|-------------------------| -----------10------------|-----------12------------| --0--0--0----------------|--0--0--0----------------| |---3--| --- E E E H Q 4x ----------------------------||-----|| ----------------------------||-----|| ---------------------------*||-----|| ---------------------------*||-----|| --12--10--9--L--------------||-----|| ----------------------------||-----||
@Ryan 17 years ago
Hey, I have been searching for this tab for a very long time on the internet and i found it! THANKS Nozzie play Halo 3?!
Whats your gamer tag?!
@nozzie 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Ryan Hey, I have been searching for this tab for a very long time on the internet and i found it! THANKS...
ya my xbl name is Suicide Boy
@Koala no7 14 years ago
Replying to:
@nozzie ya my xbl name is Suicide Boy
hahahah I saw you then once in rocket race.. stained.. xD
mine is Koala no7 any chance you play reach as well??
@mr ken masters 17 years ago
halo3 kicks supreme ass well not supreme ass but its alright
@Cheesecake!!!YEEEEEAAAAHHH!! 16 years ago
Replying to:
@mr ken masters halo3 kicks supreme ass well not supreme ass but its alright
WOOOOOOOOO iv bin wantin to play this for aaages and i never got round to it and now i can its so great HALO ROCKS SOCKS it does XD yeah im hyper so what?!? Yeah so thanks XP
@Six Feet Below 17 years ago
Hey the intro is awesome but the rythymn part should be like this
----------9x----11x---12x--14--/14-/12/11- ----------7x----9x----10x--12--/12-/10/9- -------000---000---000---000-------- Yeah u pretty much got it right though, and im not saying its bad, its good but i personally think it sounds better with the extra note.
@god 17 years ago
what about the solo?
@nozzie 17 years ago
Replying to:
@god what about the solo?
Ya like i could tab that out in 1 night ;) this tab was a test to try out the add content button
@Nick 17 years ago
yeah thats the right rhythm part but dude the solo is one of the hardest things i have ever tried to learn, i don't know how STEVE VAI did it but that solo was perfect and dead on and also HARD AS HELL!
@Fawkes 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Nick yeah thats the right rhythm part but dude the solo is one of the hardest things i have ever tried to...
this is for biginners, tho its fun plaing it ,what do u mean its hard
@Anonymous 17 years ago
I forgot what does the L's mean?
@archard 17 years ago
They mean it's a tied note.
I'm gonna write up a lesson soon entitled "The Ultimate Guide to Guitar Tablature Symbols".
@Me. 17 years ago
Replying to:
@archard They mean it's a tied note. I'm gonna write up a lesson soon entitled "The Ultimate Guide to Guitar...
whats a tied note?
@geetarguy13 16 years ago
Replying to:
@archard They mean it's a tied note. I'm gonna write up a lesson soon entitled "The Ultimate Guide to Guitar...
cant wait to see sarcasm
@I forgot my name? 17 years ago
This is a pretty good tab And whats Hal 3 like???????
From I forgot my name?
@geetarguy13 16 years ago
Replying to:
@I forgot my name? This is a pretty good tab And whats Hal 3 like??????? From I forgot my name?
halo 3 is so awesome. i no a secret or 2 bout it.such as the fact that a movie is coming out in 2009!w00t
@Fawkes 16 years ago
Replying to:
@geetarguy13 halo 3 is so awesome. i no a secret or 2 bout it.such as the fact that a movie is coming out in 2009...
@Anonymous 17 years ago
you suck!
@Markus212 17 years ago
I am just starting to read tabs, this tab confuses me, i can read most others though lol.
@Naked guy in the bathroom 17 years ago
Perfection! Very exelent tab. Just bring the solo next time will ya.
@Fawkes 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Naked guy in the bathroom Perfection! Very exelent tab. Just bring the solo next time will ya.
@the vioce in the backround 17 years ago
@geetarguy13 16 years ago
Replying to:
@the vioce in the backround NERD MUCH...I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOIN ON THIS SITE BUT YEA..........NERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! suck...
u suck if u dont like halo. if u dont like halo, u dont like video games. so y r u here huh?
@Anonymous 17 years ago
seriously, people just assume we know alls i can find on google is people talking about it no one explaining what this crap is.
@eddard stark 17 years ago
A tied note is a note that you hold, keeping the note vibrating at the same pitch while you play another note. so on
the first L, for example you strum the 4nd fret on G then shift up to B and play the 2nd fret while still holding the 4th fret. After you play the next note you let go, usually due to song requirements.
@Anonymous 17 years ago
what i L
@Shaun 17 years ago
Theres a bass line in the theme... I think it goes like this:
---------9--------11------10--------12 ---------7--------9-------10--------12 --0-0-0----0-0-0-----0-0-0-----0-0-0--
@poopstains 17 years ago
are u guys insane, this is the wors tab i have seen in my life
@Anonymous 17 years ago
Replying to:
@poopstains are u guys insane, this is the wors tab i have seen in my life
your the one to talk "poopstains"
@Anonymous 17 years ago
I agree with's killing me to say it but it is.
@Xbox360 player 17 years ago
IF u PLay halo3 and have xbox live u should add me as a friend ok all that want to send freind requests say that u found this first or i will just delete it tag is LT2MUCH
@Anonymous 17 years ago
my gamer tag is meteepee
@Jammy XIII 17 years ago
You all like halo AND play guitar...Thats good in my book!
Gammertag is Jammy XIII Halo 3 rocks!
@that guy 17 years ago
i like halo whole lots and this song rocks donkey balls hurray
@Anonymous 17 years ago
you forgot the best part plz finish it
@halo3rocks 17 years ago
add me on xbox live my gamertag is Dasachi
@Anti-Halo3 17 years ago
halo3 sucks, its all about halo 1
@JesusFreak 17 years ago
anonymous. if you think this tab sucks why would you want him to finish it in the first place? weirdo.
@My name is 17 years ago
my xbl tag is CRAZY BENJAMIN all letters in caps
@tieZ nogrA 17 years ago
lol my name is backwards but any way when i see tabs what does "x" mean they mean version things in tabs i look at and i never understand what they mean what do they mean??????? i need help lol and thanks for the tabs
@CRAZY BENJAMIN 17 years ago
Replying to:
@tieZ nogrA lol my name is backwards but any way when i see tabs what does "x" mean they mean version things in...
XBL 360 TAG ABOVE the X u r seeing is a dead note which is when you lift ur fingers slighty off the string so it makes a dead sound
@to lazy to ener a name 17 years ago
haha awesome dude..sounds great Gamer tag is Intoxic8edone look me up
@namoha-san 17 years ago
Thank you i searched fot it everywhere ^^ (lol bad english i am french)
@Gwarfan 17 years ago
the bass tab the guy posted is alright just dont bother with power chords makees it sound like shit , just ignore the last string the one that goes 9-11-10-12 just ignore it completely and ur missing a part that goes ----------
i play a 4 string lol just add that part after the bass tab b4 and it should soundright, if u listen to the song ull know what i mean
@Anonymous 17 years ago
does any one play gh3??? i would own them my gamertag is cuttablecoffee dont no wat it means my xbox made the name and ill make you mine in cod4 and cod2 i think cod3 sucks!!
@Anonymous 17 years ago
what the hell is L
@nozzie 17 years ago
@Anonymous 17 years ago
an ok tab.
me love Halo 1 long time, the rest just sucked ass
@your name here 17 years ago
Where is this tab located in the game, just so I can hear it, cuz i can't get the ryhtym right
@your name here 17 years ago
Replying to:
@your name here Where is this tab located in the game, just so I can hear it, cuz i can't get the ryhtym right
at the begining of the game
@hi 17 years ago
you should slide the last three notes
@Jessiemon 17 years ago
this tab is f*ckin kik ass man!!! cheers!! and yea i agree with the above halo 1 still remains the best!!!
@PS3 17 years ago
Halo Sucks,Xbox And Xbox 360 Suck.PS3 Is The Best.
@XBOX360 16 years ago
Replying to:
@PS3 Halo Sucks,Xbox And Xbox 360 Suck.PS3 Is The Best.
if you think all those great consoles suck then you dont have a life or know what you're missing so...XD
@Kabukibear 17 years ago
Don't feed the trolls.
@Jeppeto 17 years ago
This tab is great, would be nice if you could finish it but, still nice. I was listening to the song while looking at the tab and I will play it when I get the chance. Thanks.
@Zelos 17 years ago
I made a new tab as you already might have seen... It features the complete song with solo and 2 guitars. Hope you like it.
@KaiserBill 16 years ago
hey, this tab's pretty good actually, naysayers!
long-time halo fan here, my two cents: Halo 1 rocked, Halo 2 was a bit sucky, what with wrecking my fave weapon (the pistol) and ruining the warthog handling, but Halo 3 has put the series back on track.
also a big fan of Guitar Hero, so I love playing the Halo theme on that. XD
..and if this really is the worst tab you've ever seen in your life then consider yourself very lucky!
@confuzzled 16 years ago
wtf does the L mean? kk thx!
@nozzie 16 years ago
Confuzzled ----
@DarkeTiger 16 years ago
Replying to:
@nozzie Confuzzled ----
You'll probably want to see if you can get a link to that from the front page
For anyone who can't be bothered to click the link, an L simply means to hold the previous note on the same string until you reach the L
As for hammer-ons and pull-offs, since I don't have an amp I just do slides =P
@Envy 16 years ago
well even though i myself am a noob i think it will help those who have enough potential to learn this part and pick up stuff from the others. inother words ur helping the noobs learn something they think it would probably think its impossible to learn.=D
@Alex123456789 16 years ago
Its perfect I would of given 5 stars but its a bit to short
@geetarguy13 16 years ago
wow. thats all i can say. wow.well other than, u naled that mofo.nice one.
@quinnpm 16 years ago
you know whats funny, people come on this site and tell us we have no life. wheres theirs if all there doing is coming on trying to pick a fight with ppl who dont give a shit what they think. nice tab bye the way theses comments are for talking bout the tabs.
@Yami91 15 years ago
kk so it's good but all I think that's left to be said is that the intro should be read as:
|-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |--1/9~----9h11/12/14--11h12\9h11\7h(9)-----| |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------|
trust me this sounds a lot better but that was good since it sounds really close to this.
@Yami91 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Yami91 kk so it's good but all I think that's left to be said is that the intro should be read as: |-------...
Yami91 said
this is inserted for after the first part that was tabbed just before the first correction for those who dont know the tune
@meacci133 5 years ago
i would change the bass to be:
everything else is great tho. Have a nice day