4.500 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: Guido777
Composer: Yasushi Ishii
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
6875 views 10 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Composed by: Ysushi Ishii Arranged by: Guy Faithful e|---------------5-3----------------------------------| B|-5-3h5-----5---5-5-------------------5---4----------| G|-4---------4---4-4-----2---2---2-----2---2----------| D|-5-----5---5---5-5-----2---2---2-----4---4----------| A|-x-------4---4-4-4-----0---0---0---2---2------------| E|-0-------------------2---2---2----------------------|
@chokladio 10 years ago
How do you play the: -3- -5- -4- -5- -4-
@hslesperance 10 years ago
Replying to:
@chokladio How do you play the: -3- -5- -4- -5- -4- ?
-3- Index -5- Pinky -4- Middle -5- Ring -4- Thumb / Middle
You can wrap your thumb around to play the A4.
Or it's possible to flatten your middle finger so that it plays the G4 and A4. Just make sure your middle finger doesn't hit against the top e string.
@auriplane 10 years ago
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@hslesperance -3- Index -5- Pinky -4- Middle -5- Ring -4- Thumb / Middle You can wrap your thumb around to play th...
Ooh, that's hard! I can do the finger flattening thing, but I can't seem to wrap my thumb around the guitar that far. One of my lankier friends has really long fingers and does that thumb thing, so I know it's possible, but my hand doesn't do it @_@
@Guido777 10 years ago
Replying to:
@chokladio How do you play the: -3- -5- -4- -5- -4- ?
Hi, I noticed that somebody replied that you should use your thumb, I didn't even think of that! :D You can do it either way but what I do is I bar the e and b strings on the third fret while also pressing the 4th fret of the a string with my index finger. This may sound odd but if you can put your index finger at an angle I becomes much easier.
@chokladio 10 years ago
Replying to:
@Guido777 Hi, I noticed that somebody replied that you should use your thumb, I didn't even think of that! :D...
wow, your way was actually more doable than I first would've thought.. The other solution, the thumb reach-around, is definitely impossible for me, especially on an acoustic!
Thanks for the reply :)