4.250 avg rating 4 ratings
Tabber: N0Stars
Composer: YASUpochi
Style: Transcription, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics
Instrument: Guitar
49887 views 12 years ago
Ib - Blind Alley/Fukurokouji (Garry's Theme) Composed by YASUpochi (Selected by Kouri) Transcription by N0Stars Gtr I (E A D G B E) - 'Untitled' 6/8 Gtr I E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E |---0-3-3--2---|-2-0---0-----|---0-3-3-2---|-2-0----0--------| |-0---0-0----3-|-0---1-1-3---|-0---0-0---3-|-0----1-1-3------| |-0---0-0----4-|-0---2-2---2-|-0---0-0---4-|-0----2-2---2----| |-2---2-0----4-|-----2-------|-2---2-0---4-|------2----------| |-2----------2-|-3---0-2---0-|-2---------2-|-3----0-2---0----| |-0------------|-------------|-0-----------|-----------------| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E |---0-7-7-5---|-3-2---5-3-2-|-3-0---0--------| |-0---------5-|-----3-0---2-|-1---1-1-3------| |-0-----5-----|-2---------0-|-2-----2-2-2----| |-2-----7-----|-0-----2-----|-------2-0------| |-2-----7-----|-------2---1-|-0---------0----| |-0-----5-----|-------------|----------------| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E |---0-3-3-2---|-2-0---0-----|---0-3-3-2---|-2-0---0--------| |-0---0-0---3-|-0---1-1-3---|-0---0-0---3-|-0---1-1-3------| |-0---0-0---4-|-0---2-2---2-|-0---0-0---4-|-0---2-2---2----| |-2---2-0---4-|-----2-----4-|-2---2-0---4-|-----2----------| |-2---------2-|-3---0-2---0-|-2---------2-|-3---0-2---0----| |-0-----------|-------------|-0-----------|----------------| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Q. H. |---0-7-7-5---|-3-2-5-5-3---|-2-0-3-2-0---|-0---0---0---|-2-----| |-0---------5-|-------0---3-|-1---4-1---3-|---3-----1---|-4-----| |-0-----5-----|-2-----------|-2---4-0---4-|-0-2-----2---|-4-----| |-2-----7-----|-0-----2-----|-----------0-|-2-4-----2---|-4-----| |-2-----7-----|-------2-----|-0---2-0-----|-------------|-------| |-0-----5-----|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------| E E E E Q E E E E T T T T +S +H. |-3-2---2-0--------|-3-2---2-------0-(0)-|-(0)----| |-0---3---0--------|-0---3-------0-------|--------| |-0---4---0--------|-0---4-----0---------|--------| |-2---4-0----------|-2---4-0-------------|--------| |-----2---3--------|-----2---3-----------|--------| |------------------|---------------------|--------| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E |---0-3-3-2---|-2-0---0-----|---0-3-3-2---|-2-0---0--------| |-0-----0---3-|-0---1-1-3---|-0---0-0---3-|-0---1-1-3------| |-------0---4-|-0---2-2---2-|-0---0-0---4-|-0---2-2---2----| |-------0---4-|-----2-------|-2---2-0---4-|-----2----------| |-----------2-|-3---0-2---0-|-2---------2-|-3---0-2---0----| |-0-----------|-------------|-0-----------|----------------| H.=H Q.=50 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Q +H. |---0-7-7-5-12-|-12-10----5-7-3-|-3-2---2-0-3-|-0---0-----|--------| |-0------------|-10----10-3-----|-5-3-3-3-1---|-1-3-----0-|-(0)----| |-0-----5------|-10-------------|-5-4---2-2---|-0-2---2---|--------| |-2-----7------|----------5-----|-5-4---4-2---|-2-0---2-4-|-(4)----| |-2-----7------|----------5-----|-3-2---2-0---|-0-----0-2-|-(2)----| |-0-----5------|-10-------3-----|-------------|---2-------|--------| E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ||----0-3-3-2---|-2-0---0-----|---0-3-3-2---|-2-0---0---------|| ||o-0---0-0---3-|-0---1-1-3---|-0---0-0---3-|-0---1-1-3------o|| ||--0---0-0---4-|-0---2-2---2-|-0---0-0---4-|-0---2-2---2-----|| ||--2---2-0---4-|-----2-------|-2---2-0---4-|-----2-----------|| ||o-2---------2-|-3---0-2---0-|-2---------2-|-3---0-2---0----o|| ||--0-----------|-------------|-0-----------|-----------------|| H. Q E E Q H. H. +H. |---------|-3--2---2--|-0-------|-<12>------|-(<12>)----*| |-0-------|-0--0-3-0--|-0-------|-<12>------|-(<12>)----*| |-0-------|-0--0---0--|-0-------|-<12>------|-(<12>)----*| |-2-------|-2--0-0-0--|---------|--10-------|--(10)-----*| |-2-------|-----------|-3-------|-----------|-----------*| |-0-------|-----------|---------|-----------|-----------*| Duration Legend --------------- W - whole; H - half; Q - quarter; E - 8th; S - 16th; T - 32nd; X - 64th; a - acciaccatura + - note tied to previous; . - note dotted; .. - note double dotted Uncapitalized letters represent notes that are staccato (1/2 duration) Irregular groupings are notated above the duration line Duration letters will always appear directly above the note/fret number it represents the duration for. Duration letters with no fret number below them represent rests. Multi- bar rests are notated in the form Wxn, where n is the number of bars to rest for. Low melody durations appear below the staff Tablature Legend ---------------- h - hammer-on p - pull-off b - bend pb - pre-bend r - bend release (if no number after the r, then release immediately) /\ - slide into or out of (from/to "nowhere") s - legato slide S - shift slide - natural harmonic [n] - artificial harmonic n(n) - tapped harmonic ~ - vibrato tr - trill T - tap TP - trem. picking PM - palm muting \n/ - tremolo bar dip; n = amount to dip \n - tremolo bar down n/ - tremolo bar up /n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip = - hold bend; also acts as connecting device for hammers/pulls <> - volume swell (louder/softer) x - on rhythm slash represents muted slash o - on rhythm slash represents single note slash Misc Legend ----------- | - bar || - double bar ||o - repeat start o|| - repeat end *| - double bar (ending) : - bar (freetime) $ - Segno & - Coda Tempo markers - = BPM(8/16=s8/s16), where s8 = swing 8ths, s16 = swing 16ths *************************************************************************************** * Generated using Power Tab Editor by Brad Larsen - http://powertab.guitarnetwork.org * ***************************************************************************************
@futuretabs 12 years ago
i love this!!!
@N0Stars 12 years ago
I don't like transcribing as much as arranging, so I kind of had to force myself to finish what I started. I think the end product is reasonably accurate, though.
@N0Stars 12 years ago
Replying to:
@N0Stars I don't like transcribing as much as arranging, so I kind of had to force myself to finish what I st...
Well, it's pretty close to the original. YASUpochi has posted tabs and sheet music for Blind Alley on his site. They are kind of rough visually, but 100% accurate guaranteed.