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Main Theme

League of Legends


5.000 avg rating 5 ratings

Tabber: RobinLi

Composer: Praeco

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

57521 views 12 years ago

Name of song: Main Theme
Name of game: League of Legends
Composer of song: Praeco
Name of tabber: RobinLi
Date tab was made: September 11, 2012

L - tied note
x - dead note
h - hammer on/pull off
b - bend
s - slide
~ - vibrato
g - ghost note
> - accentuated note
t - trill
M - palm mute
. - staccato
P - popping (bass)
S - slapping (bass)
+ - tapping
W - wide vibrato
< - fade in
w - whammy bar
= - tremolo picking
v - brush up
^ - brush down
V - pick stroke up
n - pick stroke down

E |----------------------------|--0-------------|----------------|
B |--------0--------3----------|--------0-------|--------7-------|
G |----------------------------|-----0-----0----|-----0----------|
D |----------------------------|----------------|----------------|
A |----------------------------|----------------|--7-------------|
E |----------------------------|--0-------------|----------------|





  ^                                 ^                               

  ^                                 ^                               

  ^                                 ^                                 ^        


@karathrow 12 years ago


@RobinLi 12 years ago

Hey guys, please listen to the mp3 to get the timing and style down; especially in the 2nd last measure where there's a 3-finger rasgueado (not shown on tab).

@Smasher 11 years ago

ótima tab, obrigado por compartilha-la.

great tab, thanks for sharing it.