Super Nintendo
5.000 avg rating 3 ratings
Tabber: auriplane
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Bass
9826 views 15 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past - Ganon Battle BASS TAB Song by Koji Kondo Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected]) On May 12, 2009 Six-string bass, standard tuning. C |----------------------------| G |----------------------13--12| D |----------13----15--13------| x9 (on repeats, x7) A |----15--13----15--11----10--| E |--15--11----13--------------| B |13--------------------------| C |----------------------14--13| G |----------14----16--14------| D |----16--14----16--12----11--| x5 A |--16--12----14--------------| E |14--------------------------| B |----------------------------| C |----------------------13--12|----------------------------| G |----------13----15--13------|----------12----14----17--16| D |----15--13----15--11----10--|----14--12----14----17------| A |--15--11----13--------------|--14--10----12----15----14--| E |13--------------------------|12--------------------------| B |----------------------------|----------------------------| C |----------1820--------------|----------1719--------------| G |--------18----20------16--15|--------17----19------15--14| D |------16--------18--16------|------15--------17--15------| A |----18------------14----13--|----17------------13----12--| E |--18------------------------|--17------------------------| B |16--------------------------|15--------------------------| C |----------1618--1720------19| G |--------16----18----20------| D |------14--------------1817--| A |----16----------------------| E |--16------------------------| B |14--------------------------|
@guitartsword 12 years ago
awesome but it will be better on a 5 or 4-string bass
@DKOH 5 years ago
... not everyone has a 6 string bass lying around. It's fairly easy to figure out the patterns on a 4 string however. It's basically a whole bunch of power chord shapes (with root octave) with its notes being plucked in an ascending fashion (with few exceptions).
Lets just take the first bar that's repeated the most. The root note of that bar is the 13th fret on the B string, so C.
Now for 4 string basses with this song instead of playing mostly vertically on one section of the neck (with a 6 string you can stay in the same section between the 10th and 15th fret), you're going to have to instead utilize more of the horizontal length of the neck, from the 3rd to the 13th fret. So in this case for this song, you're using almost double the fretted areas - 6 string has notes across 6 frets, 4 string has notes across 11.
This may seem daunting but once you see how the song is patterned it will start to make sense.
So start at the C note on the 3rd fret of your 4 string's A string. You'll be plucking the C, D#, F, G#, then G power chord shapes just going up the same 3 strings. For a potentially easier way of playing you can also start at the 8th fret on E string and then move up to the 6th fret on the A string for the second chord shape.
So you'll notice that from these movements you're going from 3rd fret > 6th fret > 8th fret > 11th fret > 10th fret. This is essentially the pattern of the whole song, but shifted based on where your starting note is. So you're basically going (start > 3 half steps up > 2 half steps up > 3 half steps up > 1 half step down). Also, don't forget about the difference in the final chord shape - the "middle" note isn't plucked.
Now, the final three bars looks different but is still played the same with some variation (third power chord shape is played descending, and final bar has an ending flourish). But keep in mind it will not sound totally accurate just from the basis of it being played on a instrument with 50% less strings, but all the notes will be accurate - just not at the same octaves and not truly in a climbing fashion like from a 6 string would do it. This has more do to with the thickness of the string affecting the note being played, as there's more back and forth on the 4 string. The notes however will sound perfectly ascending.
Then just work on your speed and accuracy...