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Light World Dungeon

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Super Nintendo

4.667 avg rating 3 ratings

Tabber: musenji

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar

11379 views 14 years ago

The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Light World Dungeon
composed by Koji Kondo
tabbed by musenji, 2006

It's time for some dissonant ambience!

The opening is an octave higher than the original.  You "can" play
it at the normal octave, but you wouldn't have nearly as many
overlapping notes, which you need if you want to get the feel of
the original.  Without an effects pedal anyway.

First off, tune your 5th string down a half step.

Ab  <---

For the opening:

The barlines are used only to group notes together--they tell you
when to let the chord fade away, before beginning the next.  I have
attempted to maximize the number of notes that stay audible in each
group.  For example, in the first group, you don't have to cut
anything off until the last note.

(Bar the top two strings,
 without muting the third)


                       ^       ^       ^       ^        

 ^       ^       ^       ^         ^       ^       ^       ^

The left hand starts out barring the third fret with the pinky and
  ring fingers completing the "chord."  From here on out, all you
  do is shift positions:

               3 2 1 2   3 2 1 0   7 6 9 10

In other words, you play the first measure ("3"), then shift down
  one fret for the second measure ("2"), and move on through the
  whole list.  Since you're barring the whole time, it certainly
  helps not to bar the bottom string.

The melody starts at the second "3" in the list:





@LTRobson 14 years ago

Thanks for picking this tune, the bass+melody part is great.

I wanted to expand that part and change it a bit, but it got too big to put the in the comments here, so I make a separate tab. Hope you don't mind.