Nintendo 64
5.000 avg rating 6 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
17289 views 17 years ago
Music Box House The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Composed by Koji Kondo 8/3/06 e--3---2-3-5--3-2-3---0-----3---2-3-5--3-0-1 B------------------------------------------- G------------------------------------------- D------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------- e--1---0-1-3--1-0-1---------1---0-1-7--5-3-0 B---------------------3--------------------- G------------------------------------------- D------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------- e--3---2-3-5--3-2-3---0-----8-7-8-10-8-6-5 B----------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------- e--5---4-5-8-7-5-3---2-3-7-5-3-1---0-1-3-1---- B------------------------------------------3-1 G--------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------
@Blomsther 17 years ago
I remember playing this part of the game, I freaked. :D Good job, however. ^^
@Abysse 17 years ago
Holy :P This part rly freak me out xD Haha i was like 8 years old and i cry for sooo long :P Haha Good job on the tabs dude =) Theyre awesome ^^
@Takoon 17 years ago
Haha. I remember being freaked out too, but it was my favorite song in the game, and I was really upset when it wasn't on the soundtrack. ^ ^ Great job!
@Chaos 17 years ago
Wow, awesome! Sounds perfect, I love this song!
@Tim_Guitar 17 years ago
I love this song , i like it to play ^^
@LionHeartGael 15 years ago
Just Great
@Timalimpa 11 years ago
I played this game when i was 7 y/o and i screamed a lot like a chicken xD when i was in the house xD
@kdogg1259 10 years ago
Man, I remember that when I was little, I would watch my brothers play, and I would leave the room if I even saw them Look at that place.