Nintendo 64
4.600 avg rating 10 ratings
Tabber: Laura
Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments
157911 views 17 years ago
Stone Tower Temple LOZ: Majora's Mask Tabbed By Laura If there are not 3 guitars, just play with one guitar in the order that each part is in. 1st guitar plays this throughout the song. e--------------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------- D--2-------3-------0-------2-------3-------2-- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- 2nd guitar plays this throughout also. e---------------------------------- G---------------------------------- B---------------------------------- D----2---2---2-3------2---2---2-0-- A--0---0---0--------0---0---0------ E---------------------------------- 3rd guitar e----------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------- B--2-5-4---0-2-5-4-2-0-----2-5-4---0-2-5-4-0-2-- D----------------------2------------------------ A----------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------- x2 1st guitar only e--------------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------- D--2-------3-------0-------2-------3-------2-- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- 3rd guitar e----------------------------------------------- G--5-5-3----0-5-3-1-0----5-5-3----1-0-0--------- B---------------------------------------2------- D----------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------- e----------------------------------------------- G--5-5-3----5-3-1-0----5-6-5-3-1-0-------------- B----------------------------------2------------ D----------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------- 1st and 3rd guitar e--0-5-8-7h8h7--3-0-5-8-7h8h7- G----------------------------- B----------------------------- D----------------------------- A----------------------------- E----------------------------- x2 repeat
@Laura 17 years ago
It may sound better with a hammer on on this part
@Anonymous 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Laura e------------------------------------------------------- G------------------------------------------...
I think the hammer on sounds best on the last part aswell, as 0-2-5-4h5p4-0-2
@archard 17 years ago
You want me to update it? By the way, I fixed it so that it formats correctly. Put code tags around it to make it appear like that.
@Laura 17 years ago
oh, sure. Thanks ^^
@Snoggums 17 years ago
I love to play this with my friends, the second guitar part is by far the funnest. :P
@Laura 17 years ago
Yeah, it is =D
@Zelda Addict 17 years ago
what is 7h8h7 i dont know that chord
@Zelda Addict 17 years ago
you got a problem its not e- G- B- D- A- E-
e- B- G- D- A- E-
@Zelda Addict 17 years ago
do first and secong guitar keep playing no matter what or only when it says?
@Tucker 17 years ago
Zelda Addict- 7h8h7 isn't a chord, it means play the 7th fret, then hammer on to the 8th fret, then hammer off, or pull off, back to the 7th fret. Its just another way to write it in tab.
@J Guitar 17 years ago
Zlda Addict- You must have no knowledge of guitar if you know not of hammer ons and pull offs
@Simus 17 years ago
He could be new you dont have to be a dick J Guitar
@Qmiser 17 years ago
You can add another set of notes to guitar one. I don't know how to work the tab thing, but it should be like this note-wise...
Upper Note: E / F / D / E / F / E Lower Note: A / Bb / G / A / Bb / A
It is possible to do it. When Doing the Bb, you need to mute the 5th string, that's all. ( / was to seperate notes. I don't know how else to do it)
@Qmiser 17 years ago
Wait, actually the above is wrong. Notes are
Upper Note: E/F/D/E/F/D Lower Note: A/G/Bb/A/G/Bb
Sorry bout that
@Lydia 17 years ago
hey doe's anyone know the tabs for stone temple on piano because i'm trying to learn it????
@Lydia 17 years ago
i was wondering doe's anyone know the stone Temple for piano because i've been trying to learn it and i want to learn it really badly. if you do email me
@Laura 17 years ago
Yes, I was really new to guitar when I made all these tabs. put the hammer-ons where they need be, and switch around the whole E-A-D-G-B-E thing as well; most of my tabs are like that, ahaha.
@Anonymous 17 years ago
The third guitar part plays two different things. I think it sounds better like this. Sorry for the abismal formatting.
3rd guitar
e------------------------------------------------------- G------------------------------------------------------- B--2-5-4---0-2-5-4h5p4-2-0-----2-5-4---0-2-5-4h5p4-0-2-- D--------------------------2---------------------------- A------------------------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------------------
e----------------------------------------------- G----------------------------------------------- B--2-5-4h5p4---0-2-5-4h5p4-2-0-----2-5-4h5p4---0-2-5-4h5p4-0-2-- D------------------------------2------------------------ A----------------------------------------------- E-----------------------------------------------
@Laura 17 years ago
Yeah, there should be more hammer ons.
I made this a long time ago, and I would have included the hammer ons if I had made it recently.
@Bambi 16 years ago
This tab is awesome, sounds brill.
@wako-kun 16 years ago
This is the way I play:
---1-0h1p0-------1-0h1h0---------1-0h1p0-------1-0h1p0----- -2-----------0-2---------2-0---2-----------0-2---------0-2- -----------------------------2-----------------------------
-5-8-7h8p7-----5-8-7h8p7-5-----5-8-7h8p7-----5-8-7h8p7---5- -------------8-------------8-5-------------8-----------8---
-------------------------12-12-10---8-7-7-5- -10-10-8-----10-8--------------------------- -----------9------10-9----------------------
-12-12-10---12-10-8-7---12-13-12-10-8---7---5- -10-10-8----10-8--7-5---10-11-10-8--10--5---5-
---5-8-7h8ph7-------5-8-7h8p7- -5-------------8--5-----------
@Deity 15 years ago
This tab is really good! I think it's perfect but just for fun I think the last piece for guitar three could use an open E after the second (7h8h7) for substance.
@Link Strife07 14 years ago
I think it sounds pretty good. Nice job.
@NintendoInfoF 13 years ago
This tab is good, its really fun playing with two other guys with guitar
@aftermockery 12 years ago
Hey, it sounds a bit better when you play the first little bit that carries on the whole song like this : D -2-2-2-2--3-3--0-0--2-2-2-2--3-3--2-2-
But maybe that's what the tab meant. <x3
@Gamer34 10 years ago
Play guitar 2 first part on the low e and a string i think it fits better