Nintendo 64
4.500 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: pixelmuzik
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Ukulele
74215 views 14 years ago
Composed by: Koji Kondo Game: The Legend of Zelda the Ocarina of Time Tabbed by: pixelmuzik (Timothy Woina) Contact at: [email protected] A|--5--------5--------5----------------------2--5--2---5--5--4--2---- E|------------------------------------------------------------------- C|----------------------------------6--5--6-------------------------- G|-----4--2-----4--2----4--2--4--2---------------------------------2-
@Ocarina_Of_Time_ROXORS 12 years ago
I prefered this method, using your thumb to hit the 2 on G or barring it
@mrbobdobolina 11 years ago
What about this?
and then the second time through go up to 7 rather then down to 4.