Nintendo 64
4.750 avg rating 4 ratings
Tabber: Kuzune
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Arrangement
Instrument: Guitar
26146 views 15 years ago
-----|The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganon's Theme|----- -Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64) -Song: Ganon's Theme (Arranged) -Composer: Koji Kondo -Year: 1998 -Tabber: Kuzune -Tab Date: 3/07/2009 -Type: Arranged -Information: -Note: The song is in Drop D tuning (E B G D A D) If you find it hard to play the full chords, just play the notes on the A and D strings, and skip the ones on the B and G strings. -Number of Guitars: 1 -Tuning: Acoustic Guitar 1 (E B G D A D) -Song: |Tempo: Q = 50 Part 1: Played 2 times E E E S S E E E S S E E E S S E E E E E|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|-4-------------3-5-------------4-|-8-------------7-10--------------| G|-3-------------2-4-------------3-|-7-------------6-9---------------| D|-1-------------0-2-------------1-|-5-------------4-7---------------| A|-1-------1-----0-2-------2-----1-|-5-------5-----4-7-------7-------| D|-----1-------1-------2-------2---|-----5-------5-------7-------7---|x2 Part 2: E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|-9---------------8---------------|-11--------------10--------------| G|-8---------------7---------------|-10--------------9---------------| D|-6---------------5---------------|-8---------------7---------------| A|-6-------6-------5-------5-------|-8-------8-------7-------7-------| D|-----6-------6-------5-------5---|-----8-------8-------7-------7---| E E E E E E E E W E|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|-13------12------15------14------|-17------------------------------| G|-12------11------14------13------|-16------------------------------| D|-10------9-------12------11------|-14------------------------------| A|-10------9-------12------11------|-14------------------------------| D|-----10------9-------12------11--|-14------------------------------| -Key: h - Hammer-on p - Pull-off t - Tapped note L - Tied note / or \ - Slide up / and down \ -Duration Legend: W - Whole H - Half Q - Quarter E - 8th S - 16th T - 32nd X - 64th . - Dotted note |-n-| - N-tuplet