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Gerudo Valley

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Nintendo 64

4.700 avg rating 10 ratings

Tabber: Calebelijah

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar

230713 views 17 years ago

     W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  S S S S E  S S S S Q    S S    S S S S E  S S S S Q    S S

  S S S S E  S S S S Q    S S    S S S S H        E.  S

  S S S S E  S S S S Q    S S    S S S S E  S S S S Q    S S

  S S S S E  S S S S Q    S S    S S S S H        E.  S      W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

     W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  S S S S E  S S S S Q.        S S S S E  S S S S Q.

  S S S S E  S S S S Q.        S S S S H.                W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W

  S S H        S S S S S S    S S H.           E     S S H        S S S S S S

  S S H.           E     S S H        S S S S S S    S S H.           E

  S S H        S  S S S  S  S    S S H.           E     W

  W                   W                   W

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

     W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

    W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   W                   W                   W

  W                   S S H        S S S S S S    S S H.           E

  S S H        S S S S S S    S S H.           E     W

  W                   W                   W

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

     W                   W                   W

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S    S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

@evanicafan 18 years ago

Where is the Intro?

@zeldafan 17 years ago

WOOO! Great job.

@haggzzz 17 years ago

cool tab there buddy keep tabbin away thanx sir

@Dellhelp 17 years ago

liek missing some tabs . . . from 0:33 to 1:10 ders nothing . . . so yeh . . . plz tab?

@XizzacX 17 years ago

dude you rock the tabs are great ive been trying it for 5 mins and i have all by heart, man your awsome

@jackjunky 17 years ago

I saw your video on youtube. you did an awesome job. i was gonna quit guitar but then i found this

@Masehunter 17 years ago

the intro is

----------5(LR)4-7-9-- --------7---6-0-0-0-- ----4-7-------------- --6------------------ 4-(LR----)------------

LR - let ring

@john 17 years ago

k...u guys suck at tabbing...u never included any solos or anything...it seems to be missing a lot of tabs...

@john 17 years ago

go fuck urself

@billybones 17 years ago

That doesn't look like the intro he uses in the video.

@joseph 17 years ago

where's the intro?

otherwise, I think it's great

@Rob 17 years ago

Great tab I would have loved to have seen it organized a little better, but i found my way through it, night tabs, keep up the good work.

@the soloist 17 years ago

great tab i was wondering what kind of effects you use to make the trumpet sound in your video

@Yidd 17 years ago

Can anyone please tell me what S, E, T, X means? i dont understand 8th,16th,24th and so onth... Good tab by the way.. Thou art indeed the god of videogame rocking!

@Kyle 17 years ago

what a fuck?? this is a bullshit i dón think that this little thing is a complete song this is a shit

@Anonymous 17 years ago

everyone dissing this tab. clearly doesn't understand how to work theyre way through a tab. The intro is chords. The Chords are under "guitar 4". The effect being used is Reverb by the sounds of it. Turn it all the way up to 10.

@srhdfjd 17 years ago

There are several bits missing, please tab them out because im not doing very well.

@Anonymous 17 years ago

what does the w and the s mean?

@TRON-2 17 years ago

fuck the haters. as close to a correct tab as you will get. and if you're having trouble deciphering the tab then u need some practice. it's very simple.

@Behind_the_crimson_door 17 years ago

i need to know the cords to the first part but other than that i guess its close enough to the song

@Anonymous 17 years ago

hey dumbasses stop dissing the tab, you ave no ideaow hard it is to put this together

@Anonymous 17 years ago

I would assume this is the tab linked to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rfGbB0zqz8

If so, it does sound like this tab has a lot of errors, I said screw it and am trying by ear. This is what I get for the intro:

e-------------5----4-7-9~~- B-----------7----6--------- G---------7---------------- D-------6------------------ A---4/5-------------------- E--------------------------

@Ryan Shah 17 years ago

Why are people dissing this tab? This is one of the BEST tabs around, who ever made it should be proud, its incredibly hard to make tabs, so pleaser don't repect their efforts, espiecally when its for no reason

@nekroangel 17 years ago

why does the video's chords and this tab chords doesnt match?

@Anonymous 17 years ago

I guess I just don't understand...in the video playing he will break into 2 sting harmony at some points, in addition all of the "notes" in the song are there, but it's not techincally fully tabbed. Are you just supposed to figure those parts out? The harmony is what's getting me here, am I just missing something in the tab?

@Anonymous 17 years ago

wich are the chords in the beginning of the song

@glugger 17 years ago

pretty good but some bits missing

@glugger 17 years ago

on the sixth line there is nothing but chords. there should be pull offs and hammer-ons.

@Anonymous 17 years ago

it's missing the intro which i think someone posted as a comment but some of the melodies are wrong:

S S H S S S S S S S S H. E S S H S S S S S S --5-4-5----------4-5-7-5-4-|--5-4-5------------L--|--4-2-4--------0-2-4-5-4-2-| ---------------7-----------|----------------------|---------------------------| ---------------------------|----------------------|---------------------------| ---------------------------|----------------------|---------------------------| ---------------------------|----------------------|---------------------------| ---------------------------|----------------------|---------------------------|

either that or the part that i think this is supposed to be... is missing.

@Ocean 17 years ago

If it doesn't mmake sense, find the chords, put your fingers on the strings, and whale on them. Or, use the other parts and play those. Everything else is for multiple guitars.

@Geez Guyz 17 years ago



Guitar 2 Backgroung

Guitar 1 Melody










@Geez Guyz 17 years ago

Copy N Paste The Above Into 'NotePad' Then Read,....

@archard 17 years ago

Put <pre></pre> tags around your tabs to make them format correctly.

@Jeff 17 years ago

It sounds way better up. Like, the original tab has:

|---2-4-5---2-4-5-|---2-4-5---2-4-5-|---0-2-4---0-2-4-|-2-4-2-1--| |-2-------2-------|-3-------3-------|-0-------0-------|----------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------|

But I think it sounds a lot better as:

|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------| |------8h9-----8h9|-----8h9-----8h9-|----6h7--6h7-----|-6h8p6p5--| |---10-------10---|---10------10----|--8-----8--------|----------| |-10-------10-----|-11------11------|-8-----8---------|----------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------| |-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------|

Also, from watching him on the Youtube video it looks like this is the correct tab for the intro:

|-----------5-----|-4--7s9----------| |---------7---7---|-----------------| |-------7---------|-----------------| |-----6-----------|-----------------| |-4s5-------------|-----------------| |-----------------|-----------------|

Tell me if there are any errors

@Jeff 17 years ago

Here, I posted it again, but this time everything is correctly formatted.

This is the orginal:


But I think it sounds a lot better this way. It's higher, and easier to play as well:


Also, from watching him on the Youtube video it looks like this is the correct tab for the intro:


@your name here 17 years ago

you miss many tabs because tis repits a 1000 times more then it shud be repited

S S S S E S S S S Q S S S S S S E S S S S Q S S ------2-4-5------2-4-5----L---|------2-4-5------2-4-5----L---| ----2----------2--------------|----3----------3--------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------|

S S S S E S S S S Q S S S S S S H E. S ------0-2-4------0-2-4----L---|----2-4-2-1--------L-----| ----0----------0--------------|-------------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------|

S S S S E S S S S Q S S S S S S E S S S S Q S S ------2-4-5------2-4-5----L---|------2-4-5------2-4-5----L---| ----2----------2--------------|----3----------3--------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------| ------------------------------|------------------------------|

S S S S E S S S S Q S S S S S S H E. S W ------0-2-4------0-2-4----L---|----5-7-5-4--------L-----||--------------------| ----0----------0--------------|-------------------------||--------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------||-------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------||-------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------||--------------------| ------------------------------|-------------------------||--------------------|

@Thankyou Geez Guys 16 years ago

Geez Guys ure tabbing is perfect thx heaps i was beginning to get really frustrated with the original tabs as so much was missing, thx heaps

@jinny christ 16 years ago

those tabs dont look correct. at least from the youtube vid i found the link to this tab from...

any one know of any other places wher ei can find this tab?


@YEAH 16 years ago

okay geez guyz tab is right on.

he wins.

his is right; the one above is missing parts.

way to go geez guyz!

@Scatman 16 years ago

How many people have heard Scatman John's music? You HAVE to....R.I.P Scatman! (Note:I know this has nothing to do with the song)

@raxomukus 16 years ago

yea nice tab

@sabrinalovesguitar 16 years ago

and im sorry if i look/sound really dumb asking this. but whats 'L' stand for ? :S yeahh, i taught myself how to play guitar for only like three years now, so i dun know like, ALL the tricks to it :P

@Link 2 the past 16 years ago

This tab is great, nice video too.

@megaman04 15 years ago

Nice tabs! i think this one is the best nice vid too! ^__^

@ex502 14 years ago

Chords used in his video

f#m / d / e / c#major

E||--------2----------|-------2-----------|--------0----------|---------x---------| B||--------2----------|-------3-----------|--------0----------|---------6---------| G||--------2----------|-------2-----------|--------1----------|---------6---------| D||--------4----------|-------0-----------|--------2----------|---------6---------| A||--------4----------|-------------------|--------2----------|---------4---------| E||--------2----------|-------------------|--------0----------|-------------------|

@zeuz17919 14 years ago

well i thought it was the bomb "both music and the vid" i'm kinda new at playing song's that are of a faster beat and i'm able to understand these cords just fine.... now if only i could get my finger's to work with me lol. keep makein tabs i loved it!