Nintendo 64
4.9 avg rating
62 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments
Created 17 years ago
Gerudo Valley Composed by Koji Kondo 7/12/06 Intro e------------5-----4-7-9 B----------7-----6------ G------4-7-------------- D----6------------------ A--4-------------------- E----------------------- This is what the second guitar plays pretty much throughout the whole song. It's just a succesion of 4 chords played one after another in this order: F#m D E C#/F e--2-------2-------0-------1 B--2-------3-------0-------2 G--2-------2-------1-------1 D--4-------0-------2-------3 A--0-------0-------0-------0 E--0-------0-------0-------0 Main guitar e----2-4-5-----2-4-5-----2-4-5-----2-4-5-----0-2-4-----0-2-4---2-4-2-1 B--2---------2---------3---------3---------0---------0---------------- G--------------------------------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------------- Trumpet comes in... e----2-4-5-----2-4-5-----2-4-5-----2-4-5-----0-2-4-----0-2-4---5-7-5-4 B--2---------2---------3---------3---------0---------0---------------- G--------------------------------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------------- e----5-4-2-----0h2p0---------4-2-0-------------------5-4-2-----0h2p0-- B--2-------2-5-------3-----0-------3-2-3h5p3-2-----2-------2-5-------3 G--------------------------------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------------- e--------------------- B----------7-5-----3-2 G--2-4---------------- D--------------------- A--------------------- E--------------------- e--5-4-5-4-----------------------4-2-4-0-------------- B----------2-5---3p2-3-------------------3-2---3h5-3-2 G----------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------- e--------------------------------------- B--------2---------2---------3---------3 G----1-2-------1-2-------1-2-------1-2-- D--4---------4---------4---------4------ A--------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------- e----------4-2-------- B------------------0-2 G--2-4---------------- D--------------------- A--------------------- E--------------------- Trumpet Solo e--5-4-5-----4-5-7-5-4-5-4-5-----4-2-4-------4-5-4---4---- B----------7-----------------------------5-7-------7---7-6 G--------------------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------- e--5-4-5-----4-5-7-5-4-5-4-5-----7-5-7---4-5-7-9-10-12-9-10-9 B----------7------------------------------------------------- G------------------------------------------------------------ D------------------------------------------------------------ A------------------------------------------------------------ E------------------------------------------------------------ e--------------------------------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------------------------3h5-3-2 G----2-1-2-----2-1-2-----2-1-2-----2-1-2-----4-3-4-----4-3-4---------- D--4---------4---------0---------0---------2---------2---------------- A--------------------------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------------------------- This is one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard. I hope you have as much fun playing it as I do :)
@Yoshi_king 18 years ago
PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!! it is the exact notes! Great!
@cheque 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Yoshi_king PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!! it is the exact notes! Great!
everything is great... i really like it, exept the chords... F#m, and C# need to be completely barcoded... other than that its good...
@Koi Grey 4 years ago
Replying to:
@cheque everything is great... i really like it, exept the chords... F#m, and C# need to be completely barco...
If the bar chords are hard for you, you can always just do these, they almost sound the same; only with the top 3 strings, G B and E
e--2-------2-------0-------1 B--2-------3-------0-------2 G--2-------2-------1-------1
@Samurayy 18 years ago
nice, but i don't really understand the H but nice, I can hear it on my guitar;D
@archard 18 years ago
h = hammer on p = pull off
@Samurayy 18 years ago
@Zelda Addict 18 years ago
hi i just started playing guiutar and archard your the best tabber ever i come on this site because im a zelda fan and learn the tabs from the music
@Zelda Addict 18 years ago
have you got any tips for a bigginer guitarist
@G-Buxton473 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Zelda Addict have you got any tips for a bigginer guitarist
Learn to spell BEGINNER. Ha, other than that, practice a lot, and just play what feels good to you
@archard 18 years ago
Practice EVERY day.
@Johnathan 18 years ago
MAN. YOU ARE A FUCKING LIFE SAVER. I AM A ZELDA FREAK AND I WAS LOOKING FOR THESE TABS FOREVER. I am glad. I hope u keep up the good work. umm... i also like spanish music... if you know of any please tell me. my email is
THX GUYS!!! :)
@evanicafan 18 years ago
Very nice tab men, congrats
@iAMkingofZelda 18 years ago
good tab the chords are a little off, but o well they go 2 2 0 1 2 3 0 2 2 2 1 1 4 0 2 3 4 0 2 4 2 x 0 x
with the right strumming and everything otherwise great
@GerudoKing 18 years ago
The Chords are F#m, D, E Major, and C#Major.
@Brian 18 years ago
Another excellent job! This is probally the best tab I've encountered for this song.
@MrSmileyFace 17 years ago
good job man, this is an excellent tab.
@jasonkudjick 17 years ago
you rock man THANX
@haggzzz 17 years ago
very good tab man u still rock
@Veo5000 17 years ago
That's not right, i have the right tabs on GP5.
@Metalmario 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Veo5000 That's not right, i have the right tabs on GP5.
oh really? why not post it on an upload site and enlighten us?
@G-Buxton473 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Veo5000 That's not right, i have the right tabs on GP5.
Oh enlighten us, great one, with the powers of Guitar Pro!!! Please, oh, please!!!
@archard 17 years ago
So why don't you send it to me so I can publish it?
@SillyBitch 17 years ago
fucking accurate as shit, thanks!
@snoman 17 years ago
My favorite tab on the site. Tabbed beautifully, for a beautiful song.
Keep up all of the nice work.
@Snoggums 17 years ago
Man this is perfection! I love it!
@linppan 17 years ago
I am a really noob at guitar But I can still play the song and it sound alrite but I don´t really understand 0h2p0 and all those. My friend said that u can only do hammer on and Pull of f on an elektric guitar. Is it bpossiable to play it on a normal guitar when I do it its really low and sounds wierd.
@Snoggums 17 years ago
linppan, I do hammer ons and pull offs on the classical guitar everyday. It sounds fine to me, I don't have an electric guitar.
@archard 17 years ago
Yes linppan, you can do hammer ons and pull offs and any guitar.
@Richard 17 years ago
perfect. i love the song. i've been playing the guitar for 4 years and i've played Zelda longer than that and i don't know why i just started trying to play this song. lol. i can play 3 other Zelda songs but this is the best one yet.
@linppan 17 years ago
Maybe I am just doing wrong :P I am kinda bad after all. for example 0h2p0 Means that I pull the string and half tru i push the finger down to the 2nd fret. Then make I pull the string again while holding the finger on the 2nd fret and realease it about half way thru? Since I am from sweden I dunno if it´s called frets butI hope you under stand.
@archard 17 years ago
You got the first part right. Pluck the string and then push down on the 2nd fret without plucking the string again. That's what a hammer on (h) is. Then you release the string to the open position, again, without plucking the string. That's the pull off (p).
@Snoggums 17 years ago
What's the strumming pattern? I think it's d.U.U-U.d.U.d.U and repeate.
I'm not so sure though...
d = down and U= up... =P
@TheCharlyHorse 17 years ago
wow awesome tab. Long live Ganondorf!
Dear noobs,
the h means hammeron and p means pullof. scroll up cuz im too lazy to explain em
good job dude
@Dragon Hellfire 17 years ago
Wow, dude, just wow. Not only is this song absolutely awesome, but the tab is also easy and fun to pick up. Much props to you.
@kylexthexpostman 17 years ago
Just started playing, but it looks and sounds like the song. I'd have to play it faster, but I just looked so whatever.
Pretty cool actually, it might sound better on a different guitar.
@A9BOMB 17 years ago
Holy Crap this is sweet i fianaly found it. Well im slow as hell at playing guitar but i love this song and now can finaly play with some work
@no 1 fan of zelda 17 years ago
sick mann
@Thegloworm 17 years ago
in this part after you hit the 1 @ the end follow up with a harmonic on 12th fret and hit a virbrato on 8 and if u got a peddle a squeeze fxt will work on the end of it also try harmonics instead of the 0s
@connor 17 years ago
go to this site, it has a better tab but its missing the intro.
@Bassguitarplayer 17 years ago
this is really good. i've played this song with my friends, me on bass, one on maracas and two on guitar. the guy who played lead guitar used this tab, so thanks a lot
@jackjunky 17 years ago
I find ur tab the easiest tab to read. i wondered if you have any tips for playing tis song im having trouble.
@Zelda Addict 17 years ago
do you have a tab for this for just 1 guitar because i havnt really got any one to play guitar with and this is one of my fav songs of out of zelda.
@archard 17 years ago
It is for one guitar, isn't it? Unless you're talking about the strumming, in which case I don't see how you could do the strumming and melody at the same time.
@Zelda Addict 17 years ago
lol ok how can a trumpet play tabs?
@Scott 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Zelda Addict lol ok how can a trumpet play tabs?
Easy, Bb(flat)on a guitar = C on a trumpet. Just transpose the the notes up one half step.
@gotegenks 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Zelda Addict lol ok how can a trumpet play tabs?
you can't play guitar tabs on a trumpet, you have to find trumpet music :P
@CH_OfTheSnow 17 years ago
the tab is just a bunch of notes. you can play the notes on any instrument. or vocalize it. this tab sounds pretty good to me man. ive been playing for like three years and this is one of my favourite songs. its a beautiful song and i have a lot of fun playing it on my accoustic guitar. so thanks archard i really appreciate it.
@Kaaosa 17 years ago
Just wanted to say, this is a great song for a beginning guitarist. I just started playing (and learned to read tabs) today, and I can already play my way through the song. Granted, I'm not at full speed yet, but for such a nice song, the progress I've made is pretty impressive. Thanks for the tabs. :]
@Miu Kujo 17 years ago
Alright man all i have to say is OMFG this is dead on, i listened to the song on my N64 as i played it and its perfict, not to mention i just picked uo my dads guitar and statrted playing, then i found this tab and i LOVE it thnx man your the best
@Guitar4Lyfe 17 years ago
WHATTTT!!!!! Thats crazy! love it! but still i cant play that last chord well lol need to get my fingers used to moving in that position lol
@Orion 17 years ago
That last chord can be done another way:
e: - B: 6 G: 6 D: 6 A: 4 E: -
Just another way of playing C#, the catch is its a long way to move your hand, I find it easier than that other wacky variation ;)
@sk8in leo 17 years ago
thanks so much dude i love this song and you made it so easy to play
@charmander 17 years ago
im also just beginning to play and i hope i can play these very soon
@Dutchman 17 years ago
My non-Zelda playing friends all think I'm some kind of flamenco master now! I love this song!
@Kiros 17 years ago
Awesome dude! I love it!
@greenpointyhat 17 years ago
if you want to play this yourself, one guitar...record the strumming, then play the song ;-) you could also record both and put them together.
@greenpointyhat 17 years ago
oh, and here the link to the song no problem!
@greenpointyhat 17 years ago I mean, the first is the dutch version...
@greenpointyhat 17 years ago
hey archard, the chords on the background...they change, and they don't in your might want to add that so we can play it right. great job on the tab
@ArmoredGuns 17 years ago
An easier version for begginers, will sound the same:
@Dragosani 17 years ago
Thanks for the nostalgic moments :D Very Nice!In my youth I dealt with this game a lot of time. Go on playing dude ;)
@luis 17 years ago
Man, i have to say it... It's perfect!! this music is awsome! congrats!
@katman 17 years ago
awesome!!!! i love this song its so fun to play and once you get is kinda easy!!11111
@murryman11 15 years ago
Replying to:
@katman awesome!!!! i love this song its so fun to play and once you get is kinda easy!!11111
i find it easier to play as such:
E----------------------------------------- B------------------------------------------ G---------6~-------6~-------7~--------7~ D---4h6h7----4h6h7----4h6h7----4h6h7----- A---------------------------------------- E-----------------------------------------
@marko 17 years ago
Can anyone help me with the part
I have no idea how it sounds.
@ajp 17 years ago
Replying to:
@marko Can anyone help me with the part e--------------------------------------- B--------2---------2------...
thats a harder part to play first of all and its just a type of rising sound..
@elbutlox 17 years ago
This song is the fucking best man!!! I'm a beginner and like i dont really know how to like do hammer ons and pull offs but like ive read like most of the comments here nd i think im gona give this song much attention and hopefully it will sound half decent :P
@Mekchrious 17 years ago
I love it. Perfect song for a couple guitars, and accurate as anything.
@Illia 17 years ago
I LOVE THIS SONG AND U DID A GREAT JOB TABBING IT! UR A LIFESAVER!!!! my friend rubs the fact that she can play kokiri forest in my face, now i can rub this in hers
@tony 17 years ago
its perfect...but wheres the intro
@tony 17 years ago
well not exactly the intro but the beginning part before it starts
@Anonymous 17 years ago
I've been playing this song for a long long time. Your trumpet solo is awesome, but I think the main guitar needs some work.
For the first (bridge?) should be:
And the second one:
The last section sounds better like this: (I hope this looks right. If it doesnt, just move the first two D4s to A4s)
Finally, (From "Trumpet comes in") on the second and fourth lines, whenever a G5 follows the G2, I would play that G5 as an e0)
I hope this helps.
@Anonymous 17 years ago
e--------------------------------------- B--------2---------2---------3---------3 G----1s2-------1s2-------1s2-------1s2-- D--4---------4---------4---------4------ A--------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------
Just a suggestion. (Sorry Archard. I don't know how to make it look normal ): )
@The Alchemist 17 years ago
Sounds like the game. How it brings back memories. Awesome Job.
@Anonymous 17 years ago
yall need to stop critizing his work this is the best tab ever i love it archard 5 stars^^
@Triforce In My Blood 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Anonymous yall need to stop critizing his work this is the best tab ever i love it archard 5 stars^^
I agree. This is almost note for note perfect. I never see tabs even half this good for anything. And all of you who say "play it this way also", there is more than one way to play any given note, chord, or scale on a guitar. It's cool if you have another style, like some of you guys who play a 1-string melody and think youre awesome. His is fluent and stylish, and I'm going to go look at other tabs he has done because he actually knows what hes doing
@luffmania 17 years ago
hey this tab is awesome. nice work
always wanted to play this and now i can cheers.
@More fan than Zelda Addict 17 years ago
not to be a picker but the chord for acoustic i think should be:
E|-2- -2- -0- -1- B|-2- -3- -0- -2- G|-2- -2- -1- -1- D|-0- -0- -0- -0- it sounds better i think and it is easier 2 play (i dont have very long fingers)
@Rob 17 years ago
I play it that way too, I just play it with a 4 on D in the first two parts
E|-2- -2- -0- -1- B|-2- -3- -0- -2- G|-2- -2- -1- -1- D|-4- -4- -0- -0-
to me this is easier to play but archard's is still very nice.. I do the strumming by instinct but its generally something like this d u d u u x2 in each part - or something like that anyway the lead guitar rocks archard nice jobb
@Anonymous 17 years ago
i have an electric and ive been playing for about two monthes. should i get a roland 15W cube? many of my friends recommended it and i saw the porfessional reviews and it scored very high. i play in my bedroom, so is it worth it? also, does effect pedals enhance the song, if so, which one should i buy?thx!
@geotehfox 17 years ago
im a beginner and i have an elec guitar but no amp. is it supposed to sound kinda wierd when you play w/o the amp(esp the first four chords)? also how can u play both guitar parts with just one guitar?
@Anonymous 17 years ago
okay if you have short finger like i do you can play the last cord an alternate way if my correction come out wrong sorry.^^
e-----| b--6--| g--6--| d--6--| a--8--| E--9--|
@Welcome to Infinity 17 years ago
if any of you guys have short fingers like i do it alternate way to play the last cord.sorry if the tab or correction comes out wrong.
e-----| b--6--| g--6--| d--6--| a--8--| E--9--|
@Welcome to Infinity 17 years ago
sorry if i sent two messages
@Link guitarist 17 years ago
this is a really good tab i played it my first time pretty fast and it sounded perfect
@Anonymous 17 years ago
...drools You'll need lightning fingers to do this... Oh well, it's worth the practise! Good tabbing!!! Sounds exact to me!
@youngrocker 17 years ago
An awsome tab man!!!!!! I've been looking for this tab for about a year the funny thing is, I'm only 11!
@LoveZELDA 17 years ago
great tab^^ I love this song!!!
@Ben 17 years ago
THATS AN EPIC PIEcE THAT YOU HAVE MADE, I hope that your proud of it cause I am.
@Patrick 17 years ago
sorry for my noobness, but whats the deal with that L on the tab
@Triforce In My Blood 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Patrick sorry for my noobness, but whats the deal with that L on the tab
The L on the tab means "Legato". Basically let the note ring, and shake it slightly so it sounds a little bit wavy if you'd like
@Kabukibear 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Patrick sorry for my noobness, but whats the deal with that L on the tab
An L means tie. Usually you will see a note and then in the place where another note would be you'll see an L. That means hold the note you DID play for the same amount of beats as the note you didn't play as well. You "tie" multiple notes together to form one larger note, if you will. So, for example, say you have a quarter note and then another quarter note. You would normally play these as two notes. However, if that quarter note is TIED to the other quarter note, you start by playing the first note, but you just hold that note out for the duration of the second note. Now instead of two beats, you have one long beat that lasts for two beats. This also works for notes of different duration. Say you have a quarter note and an 8th note. Again, if they weren't tied they'd sound like two notes, but if you tie them together you now have one note that lasts for one and a half beats. Get it?
@Alastor 17 years ago
Omg.... I just orgasmed.... I had an ear-orgasm I mean. You're right; it's a beautful song. And the tabs re excellet. And the chords seem right.
Perfect. No more, no less.
@that one vague kid 17 years ago
Any tips for the beginning section? I can't seem to get it right...
@The SpaZzy Spartan 16 years ago
Replying to:
@that one vague kid Any tips for the beginning section? I can't seem to get it right...
that one vague kid said
For the intro or the main guitar part? For the intro, just go slowly at first, and listen to the song in-game to get the rhythm. That's what I always do, anyways. And just keep practicing. You'll get it eventually! =D@BNairod2 17 years ago
tnkz man nice song lil hard but good i still cant play it xD
@zelda_lives_on 17 years ago
this tab is fuckin accurate. this is also one of the most beautiful songs ive ever heard. now you have brought the beauty to everyone. you rule
@your name here 16 years ago
wow dude! this is my favorite song from zelda AND NOW I CAN LEARN IT ON GUIAR! thanks alot=)
@max 16 years ago
if you want this tab on guitar pro format, check at ... its damn perfect on that site
@black_winged_angel 16 years ago
Whoa! this is an awesome tab! I m having a bit of a struggle with that quick little intro before the strumming... And also after the beginning of the trumpet solo... =( I am fairly new to guitar, and this is the first time I've tried a song from a game... It's ALOT of fun though!
@PlasmaSnake 16 years ago
Don't be afraid to slide instead of hammer
@your name here 16 years ago
Beautiful. Thankyou. I've always been in love with this song.
@Jared 16 years ago
wow im new to guitar but archard u must be really good at guitar, ur tabs are great. zelda songs are good because some songs are beginner like eponas song and then some are a bit harder like this one, thanks !
@LucasKlluiters 16 years ago
Can someone please tell me what the rhytem of the chords is, so is it up up down or something, for don't know how it should be done, and videos don't work
@moomoo5000 16 years ago
for the second guitar i like 2 2 0 1 On the three highest strings. 2 3 0 2 2 2 1 1
@Umbalibali 16 years ago
i figured out some of this song on my own, but this tab saves me a lot of time. thanks! can you please tab out the music for the Spirit Temple? i have an mp3 you can listen to and go off of.
@gamingnguitar 16 years ago
awesome, wonderful 'n stunning. great tab man
@Gromit_16 16 years ago
@Blademaster 16 years ago
Awesome tab. But I noticed that you trimmed off the chords for the 2nd guitar part. Personally I think it sounds better when you use the full chord instead of just the easy version. Just a thought, but an awesome tab none the less.
@wako-kun 16 years ago
wow, nice tab ^^ Great job and I didn't find any misses worth mentioning in the melody.
when it comes to the trumpet solo it is MUCH easier to play it in the 9th box.
--10-9-10------9-10-12-10-9-10-9-10- ------------11----------------------
--9----9--------9-10-9----9-------- ----11-----9-11--------11---11-10--
--10-9-10------9-10-12-10-9-10-9-10- ------------11----------------------
---------------------9-10-12-10h12p10p9- --12-10-12---9-10-12--------------------
@shadowmaker 16 years ago
this is so sweet i love it. archard could you make a tab for prelude of light
@squarepants 16 years ago
the best guitar song ever but the hammmer on and pull off that fcks the song up for me :s it goes very nice and then that comes -.-'
@Taai 16 years ago
Brilliant! I enjoy playing this song almost everyday.
@ArchTheDark 16 years ago
mate its perfect ;) ***** i did not doubt a second about the tabs, but my eye & finger coordination... -.-'
@Ganon101 16 years ago
@Fatkevin 16 years ago
One of the best game songs out there, i remember jumping across that bridge with epona back when i was 6 years old
@Gördo de Oz 16 years ago
wow!! great tab!
5 stars for this tab
@Breaker 16 years ago
Just PERFECT!!The best song i've ever heard!!
@Alex123456789 16 years ago
Pimp diddy
@beany1324 16 years ago
suprisingly easy! and perfectly tabbed! wow! well done! u rock!
@Wujong5 16 years ago
Replying to:
@beany1324 suprisingly easy! and perfectly tabbed! wow! well done! u rock!
beany1324 said
I AGREE WIT U!!!!!! LOL!!!!
U R #1 !!!!!!!! LOL!!!!
@LoZ_ROXORS 16 years ago
it looks like the tab needs trimming not the notes but the extra dash at the end of each line
@The Believer 16 years ago
Omg!! This song rocks!! I can play part of it w'o looking, and once I get the whole thing down, I'll be jumping for joy, then I'l sprain my ankle while doing it, then I'll have to rest for about two seconds then jump some more then play it and forget everything, haha
@Wujong5 16 years ago
Dang, can't play it fast enough...... anyway thanks for putting it in
@Wujong5 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Wujong5 Dang, can't play it fast enough...... anyway thanks for putting it in
srry 4 being so depressing
@Wujong5 16 years ago
WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS ALOT!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS!!!!
@Wujong5 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Wujong5 WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS ALOT!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS!!!!
Wujong5 said
@xDarkeh 16 years ago
its perfect, nice job and gratz
@quinnpm 16 years ago
this is everyones fav zelda song
@panzertank15 16 years ago
@Shorty5124 16 years ago
great tab
@W. Ramos 16 years ago
I absolutely love this song, and how perfectly well you put it together. I do agree, with everything, that this is honestly a beautiful song, and is one of the bests I've ever heard from a video game. Go Zelda fans! and Great job on the tab. I enjoy playing it.
@linkrulez 15 years ago
I had always thought that there was another note to the song but this is as accurate as it gets
@contagioned 15 years ago
It's a very good tab, but the chords aren't perfect, and some of the notes can be simplified. Making it much harder than it needs to be.
@auriplane 15 years ago
Replying to:
@contagioned It's a very good tab, but the chords aren't perfect, and some of the notes can be simplified. Making...
Did you check out the other tabs for this song? There's two others for guitar.
@est123 15 years ago
it´s perfect and correct
@greyfox13 15 years ago
thank u so much, u r a god amongst ants!
@MassTheMono 15 years ago
This is a pretty little diddy to play, archard. I would incorporate the bridge stuff from "Anonymous," but other than that it's all good. The slide on the rising part is optional, I would imagine, but it can be a little easier to play. On the whole, this is great. =)
MTM (Brandon)
@CrazyDman666 15 years ago
Its definetly amazing but the strumming pattern for the chords is: V^VV ^V^VV ^...
V: Strum Down ^: Strum Up (space between strums): Pause for just a fraction of a beat
the upstroke at the end of the sequence is for the swich to the next chord
@blazeburst 15 years ago
If anyone has trouble with e--------------------------------------- B--------2---------2---------3---------3 G----1-2-------1-2-------1-2-------1-2-- D--4---------4---------4---------4------ A--------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------- Try this it's easier e--------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------- G--------6---------6---------7---------7 D--4-6-7-----4-6-7-----4-6-7-----4-6-7-- A--------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------- And it sounds exactly the same and Btw great as usual Archard keep it up
@LTRobson 15 years ago
Replying to:
@blazeburst If anyone has trouble with e--------------------------------------- B--------2---------2---------3--...
Blaze, use <pre> at the start of your comment and </pre> at the end (remove the asterisks). It fixes up the tab.
@blazeburst 15 years ago
Replying to:
@LTRobson Blaze, use <pre> at the start of your comment and </pre> at the end (remove the asterisks). It fixes...
Try this
@RaleighJ 14 years ago
I can feel the valley when I play this song, and I haven't heard the videogame play the song in years!
@SyyLux 14 years ago
Should be on the first place not down under... I mean watch the top list -.- IT IS MNOT NUMBER ONE... but i lift you higher... i hope XD
@karathrow 14 years ago
I know this is probably me just being new to guitar but I was struggling with my placement a bit. I swapped some of the positioning around.
Instead of doing this: e----2-4-5 b--2------ g--------- d--------- a--------- e---------
I did this
e------4-5 b----7---- g--6------ d--------- a--------- e---------
Also the part here: e--------- b--------2 g----1-2-- d--4------ a--------- e---------
I found it easier to do: e--------- b--------- g--------6 d--4-6-7-- a--------- e---------
I cant do the chord parts at all sadly, when I try to play them my guitar sounds like it wants to kill itself.
@ryan6897 14 years ago
This is probably the best Gerudo Valley on this website. Great job. 5/5
@Link Strife07 14 years ago
awesome on dude!! luv it!! sounds great too! 5 stars man!
@Redspirit 13 years ago
I really like the tab very accurate, the only thing I changed was in the fifth bar after the trumpet comes in, I find it more comfortable to play it like so:
G -----------6---------6---------7---------7----- D ---4-6-7----4-6-7---4-6-7---4-6-7-------
Seriously though, this is a great tab.
@frooby 12 years ago
Its perfect but you forgot about the guitar solo
@Necdilzor 11 years ago
You tabbed so it so great . The only problem is me. with my slow fingers hahaha. nice!
@Lacrimor 11 years ago
I can't play this at all I am so confused. Can someone email an mp3 of this being played on guitar? I can't get the fingering down; nothing! It is so frustrating and this is the song that got me into music in the first place... I'd appreciate any help. Lacrimor@yahoo
@the_skateboii 11 years ago
I actually replaced this entire section :
e--------------------------------------- B--------2---------2---------3---------3 G----1-2-------1-2-------1-2-------1-2-- D--4---------4---------4---------4------ A--------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------
with this:
e------------------------------------------ B------------------------------------------ G--------6----------6-------7----------7-- D--4-6-7-----4-6-7----4-6-7-----4-6-7---- A------------------------------------------ E------------------------------------------
but it sounds almost alike if Not better in my opinion.
@Koi Grey 4 years ago
Replying to:
@the_skateboii I actually replaced this entire section : e--------------------------------------- B--------2-------...
You're right, thanks for sending a more simple version!
@Ahummm 8 years ago
@hj 8 years ago
It's exactly like the actual song!